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Old 10-31-2011, 03:32 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Oceanic Flight 815
Posts: 558

Here's another chapter! I hope you enjoy! :rosie:

Chapter 4

The next day I went to my cousin Rosie’s house to see how she was doing. I knocked on the door, and there appeared my Aunt Firiel. She had left her clan in France to marry my Uncle Tolman. Her family was descended from the eldest child of Samwise Gamgee, Elanor the Fair. So my Aunt Firiel had beautiful curly blond hair with blue eyes, similar to what Elanor the Fair was supposed to look like in legend.

She smiled at me and said in her French accent, “Hello Bandy. Eet eez lovely to see you again. I’ll tell Rosie you are ‘ere.” She then turned form me and cried out “Rosie! Bandy’s here!”

I heard Rosie running across the cold hard floor. She opened the door and screamed, “Bandy!” She then hugged me so tight that I felt like I would suffocate. At the moment she was about one foot shorter than I was, but was slowly growing. She was probably going to end up being 3”5, if she was lucky. She had dirty-blond hair and hazel eyes that were always glistening with gladness.

She grabbed my hand and began to pull me into the valley. “Come on Bandy, let’s play some soccer!”

I pulled my hand out of hers. She stared at me curiously. “Rosie, I came to tell you something.”

She looked at me with great frustration. “Play now, talk later.” She then attempted to take a hold of my hand again, but I withdrew it quickly. “We can play after I tell you. It’s important.”

Rosie was very stubborn and persistent child. But finally she sat down on the stone ledge and said, “Fine, what do you want to talk about?”

I sat down next to her and said, “You’ll never believe it! I got accepted to a school!”

Rosie looked rather surprised. “I never knew there was a school for Hobbits.”

I smiled at her. “It’s not for just Hobbits. It’s for men!”

She gasped. “Bandy! You’re going to meet men!”
I nodded at her. “I already have. He was about am about an inch taller than I was, and he said he was short.”

Her hazel eyes widened. “Wow Bandy. That’s amazing! So, can I come?”

That was the question I was worried about. I scratched the back of my neck. “Well, I don’t think so. You have to have special abilities to go.”

Rosie smiled, “I have plenty of special abilities!” she exclaimed. “I put my foot behind my neck, I can wriggle my nose, and I can play soccer very well!”

I rolled my eyes at that last comment. She then began doing examples of her “special abilities”. Before she got too far with attempting to put her leg behind her head, I stopped her and finally said, “No. They are different kinds of abilities. Ones that I only got form my mother.”

She stared at me. I never talked about my mum very often, and she’d always be surprised when I did. “So you have to be of the race of Men?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I replied. “You have to be of the race of Men.”

She then frowned at me. “You’re so lucky to be a half-breed.” She then began to pout.

I sighed. I had to make her feel better somehow. “Listen, I’ll write to you. And I’ll tell you everything, okay? I’ll be so descriptive; you’ll feel like you were there.”

She looked up at me, and then a smile flashed on her face. “Okay Bandy. I can’t wait to get one of your letters.”

I grinned at her. She was such a little hobbit-lass. “Come on,” I finally said. “I want to show you how you’re going to get your mail.”

I then brought her back to my house and I showed her Gwaihir. She shrieked of course when I first showed her, but then I got her to calm down once I petted Gwaihir under the beak, which was probably the most dangerous zone you could touch on an animal that you think will bite.

I then gave Rosie some owl pellets and she cautiously fed him them. Then she took out her delicate hand and gingerly petted the top of his head. She then began to laugh, and she kept on asking me for owl pellets. Finally, I had to put them away, terrified Gwaihir would get fat if Rosie gave him too much. When Rosie left my house she cried out, “I’ll miss you Bandy!”

I smiled. “I’m not leaving for another month!” I then closed the door behind me, waiting for the end of that month to arrive.

Last edited by XenoLongbottom; 11-04-2011 at 07:14 PM.
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