Originally Posted by
Jezabel Black
Jez shot curse after curse at the dummies, shooting for the hands first, then taking down the rest. Jez was nothing if not cunningly strategic. She flashed Nate a quick smile as she turned to him for a second. "Keep working on your duelling and we might be," she teased, but her smile told him they were firends again. Jez turned back to the fight. "Everte Statum! Incendio! Bombarda!" Hadn't she said she wasn't going to use that spell? Then Jez had an idea. She ran towards a gang of 3 or 4 dummies and pointed her wand at them. "Bombarda Maxima!" They all blew up in a shower of sparks. Jez grinned.
Nate felt a burning on his arm.
Dummy hand?! Nope, just sparks. "Aguamenti." Now that his robes were no longer on fire, he whirled back around and launched a Bombarda directly at a dummy's head. It subsequently blew up, leaving the dummy falling to its... knees... and dying Western-style.
Nate then felt a sharp pang of creativity. "Wingardium Leviosa!" He picked up a dummy, suspending it above th horde. "Incendio!" It burst into flame as it dropped. "Flippendo!" Nate knocked the dummies closest him underneath the falling dummy, and then when the all hit, a large bonfire was produced by the flaming dummy carcasses.