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Nate immediately reconsidered pointing out that the last thing Jez had said was a statement, not a question. He figured that saying something would get him petrified, stung, bound, tongue tied, bound again, and knocked out for good measure. In that order. "I--" Nate didn't really have any good answers for those questions. "I've made up my mind now..." he said meekly, "And as for hurting Pam, she's my best friend. She feels like a sister to me. And I do love her. But the love is different for both of them. I've called for them both in my sleep. I've had nightmares where they actually ended up killing each other. Without magic. Or weapons." Nate felt his emotions boiling over again. "Incendio!"
He flicked his wand at the nearest dummy, and it burst into a 10 foot high fireball.
Dreams? Of Pam and Faina killing each other? That was both very weird and quite frightening. Jez shrugged non-commitedly, but inside she understood. That made her slightly less angry, but not much. She wasn't going to let him see that though. She pointed her wand at another dummy. "Confringo!" The dummy's arm flew off, but it stood and faced her. That's what Jez wanted. She wanted the dummy to fight back, for the adrenaline to flow and make her forget about everything. She yelled curses at the dummy, ducking and weaving as its friends were jolted alive by missed spells and started attacking too. She was in her element here, and before she knew it she was grinning at Nate and yelling, "Come on, or are you scared?!"