SPOILER!!: Sabel
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Alright, maybe if the man hadn't insisted on rolling his eyes or giving him a lecture on what he thought happened, Sabel would have been able to step down and step back into a place of similar respect that he held for Damien. However, that was not how events turned and despite everything Damien had taught him, despite the man's friendship to Damien, he found the fires peaking again.
He wasn't going to argue however, about things being black and white. Several people he knew said otherwise, and for him it was an undecided grey area; no point in going there, in picking a fight where there wasn't a point to have one. "Them and those are the greatest concern right now." Really, he had no idea what this Jaxton character was talking about. There was no one else besides personal enemies of jealousy or vengeance that he could think would want to paint pretty targets, and as far as he knew, for the time being at least, he was clear of those.
As for being under Damien's wing, he apparently wasn't clear of that. And while he didn't mind being so close to the man in concern, he didn't particularly like behind stood over like he needed to be protected. Instead of voicing it in words however, Sabel reigned in his tongue and simply gave the man a flat look that said just as much. As for Emily, he could only arch an eyebrow. He shouldn't have moved to stand by a friend's side who was in trouble? Granted, standing back and observing may have been the 'best' course of action, but then again, if something had happened, would he have been able to act quick enough from the sidelines? "Sometimes, Mr. Jaxton, the rules of the written book are neither black nor white."
Sabel's head tilted a little bit as he considered the man, his hand slowly closing the folder. Polyjuice? Friends and enemies? That was a good question. "Mr. Jaxton, meaning no disrespect, but I highly doubt that's the case. The Cult or Dark Wizards would not expend effort on polyjuicing into a man I have no care about or relationship too. If they wanted to manipulate me and my trust, they would have picked someone that I would be concerned about. Or, they would confront me head on, as they have done in the past. So, if you'll excuse me, I have more important matters than deliberating 'ifs' and 'maybes' of improbable scenarios."
Jaxton watched the younger man as he seemed to have to reel in his emotions. Silently, he wondered what he had said to him that made him act in such a way. Not that it mattered, he was being honest with the young Auror... just like Damien always was. Yup. He raised an eyebrow as Sabel told him that they were the greatest concern.
"That they are," he agreed softly.
"But it is when you are distracted that the others can attack." Oh yes, Sabel wasn't nearly cautious and paranoid enough yet... no doubt something that Damien would try to help him with before he left for good. Smirrrk.
"Oh, stop complaining." Jaxton muttered rolling his eyes, although this time he offered an explanation - something that didn't happen often with the tall American.
"I had a Mentor until I was a lot older than you - they are not there like your parents were when you were a baby. They are there like your Professors were at school, to help guide you to your best work and to help ensure you aren't hurt in the process." Or... at least that was how Damien viewed being a Mentor. He wasn't 1000% sure on how Damien was going about it - but he was pretty sure he wouldn't want Sabel dead. Pure and simple really.
"And sometimes, an ego can get in the way of realizing that you are simply asking for trouble." As far as Jaxton was concerned, the three YATI's were darned lucky to have gotten out of that conversation as easily as they did.
"On the contrary, I believe that is exactly what they would do. It's true that morphing into Emily or Damien would have gotten them closer to you, as they are closer to you in general..." He paused, as if looking for the right words to describe just how much effort and energy they WOULD put in.
"Yet that is not always the best place to put yourself if you are undercover. After all, it is often hard to know every intimate detail that has passed between a pair, and these finer details are the things that would trip them up, and alert you that they aren't who they should be. Whereas with a familiar face, who happens to be - more stranger than aquintance, it would be less likely to be strange if they spoke out of turn." He paused again and looked at Sabel.
"Remember that they are in this for the long-haul. Brewing a batch of polyjuice potion is one month out of forever... its nothing."
He took a step to the side so that he wasn't in Sabel's way anymore and then looked at him.
"All I wanted to tell you was to be more on gaurd - no-one is safe right now." He didn't move away straight away, rather he gave Sabel a minute or so to reply. He wasn't completely horrible after all.