Originally Posted by
Jezabel Black
Jez walked into the room and spun to face Nate. "Yeah, I do have questions." If this conversation was represented in cartoon, icicles would be hanging from her words. "Why can't you make up your mind? Why did you have to hurt Pam like that? You're such a player!" He'd asked for it. Jez provided. "And you asked me to come here to duel?" she asked in disbelief. She didn't want to admit it, but she'd been thinking of coming here anyway as soon as she'd found the time, and no doubt duelling would help. She didn't want to admit how well Nate knew her.
Jez spun to face the dummies, wondering how she could charm them into chasing Nate away from her special place.
Nate immediately reconsidered pointing out that the last thing Jez had said was a statement, not a question. He figured that saying something would get him petrified, stung, bound, tongue tied, bound again, and knocked out for good measure. In that order. "I--" Nate didn't really have any good answers for those questions. "I've made up my mind now..." he said meekly, "And as for hurting Pam, she's my best friend. She feels like a sister to me. And I do love her. But the love is different for both of them. I've called for them both in my sleep. I've had nightmares where they actually ended up killing each other. Without magic. Or weapons." Nate felt his emotions boiling over again. "Incendio!"
He flicked his wand at the nearest dummy, and it burst into a 10 foot high fireball.