~ Rise and Rise Again, Until Lambs become Lions ~ Quote:
Originally Posted by Tiro MacMhuirich With a frown etched over his face Jaxton stopped, side-stepping so that he was once again in Sabel's way. "Sabel." He said sharply, in an attempt to snap the young man out of his daze. "Those were very dangerous words to say aloud... and there are more people than just them to look out for." He rolled his eyes slightly. Honestly, weren't the British taught how to use their common sense? "How do you know that they wouldn't use a joke? Did you're jaunt to DA not teach you anything?" He asked the young man in front of him, softly. He was barely speaking loudly - however he hoped that he had the man's attention. Truly he did.
They had to be careful. Always careful. Always prepared. Always paranoid.
But now? Now even more so. They could never rest easy. That was when they would strike. That was when they would sense their momentary weakness and strike to the core. Oh yes, they had to be prepared. When the man stepped in front of him, Sabel froze, his entire body going rigid. He didn't need to look up to know he was blocked, or that the man was dangerously close to being in his personal space. That got his attention, and drew his eyes away from the papers.
It took a moment to place the man as Damien's returned friend, and only then did the frown slowly work it's way off his expression; but only slightly. "More people?" He didn't see it. "If you're referring to the Dark Wizards, I'm sure they would find it highly amusing to hear such a comment in passing. Hell, they're probably grinning in glee watching the ministry tearing itself apart from within."
Yes, it was a peeve of his, but given the man did have a point and Sabel wasn't wanting to go mouthing off one of Damien's friends so early, he did keep his voice low and with an air of caution. "Diagon was happenstance: I saw Emily and she looked like she was in trouble, so I went to her." Period. "I've met both Rafael and Wrekin before, and neither are the type to drop a joke on a dime." Borr on the other hand.....
Letting out a sigh, Sabel lowered the file to his side and nodded a little. "I understand."
__________________ I've got a fire for a heart._________________________________________________
I'm not scared of the dark._________________________________________  _______________________________________You've never seen it look so easy. |