SPOILER!!: Sabel
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He wasn't paying a particularly large sum of attention to where he was going or how he was getting there. That part of his mind was on auto-pilot, bringing him slowly down towards level ten with a pace that would frustrate a snail. But he highly doubted a snail had as much on their minds as he did. If it did, he really pitied the snail.
A slow sigh left Sabel as he descended another step, consecutively flipping the page of one of the files he was mulling over. Really, he had no idea what he was doing, or if the vauge understanding of the intention he had would even work. Damien hadn't been gone long, but it was moments like these that Sabel realized how much he missed the man. Who was he supposed to bounce ideas off of now? Who was supposed to tell him that he was going in over his head far off the deep end.
...He supposed there was the thing called a 'conscience' that he possessed, but sometimes it was better hearing it out loud. Maybe he would have to bother Emily, or Legend, if they weren't at each other's throats.
If there was one thing that Jaxton hated doing, it was travelling to see the MLE employees on level ten. Especially since there were stairs involved. So he was fit, so what? He didn’t like the old, slippy, uneven steps. They played havoc with his knee that had gotten busted while he was out on ... leave. He’d managed to get it mostly sorted but every now and then it simply started to play up. Sigh, oh well.
However, now that he had been to see them, he was on his way back to the office to fill out some paperwork on his latest patrol. Oh, the joys. He ran up the stairs, in an attempt to show the stairs that they weren’t going to beat him; when he noticed one of the young YATI’s moving down the staircase. While reading. Slowly.
Very slooooooooooooooooooowly.
“You know, I think a snail would beat you to the office.” He remarked.
“You really should pay more attention, I could have been anyone-“ –from the cult, went unsaid.
Jaxton frowned slightly as he tried to place the young man. Sabel, he thought was the man’s name... He’d had that fight with Damien just as he’d gotten back a few months ago. Right, yes. Sabel.