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Old 11-19-2004, 08:11 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jul 2004
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Posts: 222

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Default fuffy_frog - EEFFD Dream State. - Sa5+

A/N: this is a dare, Kristie's dare to be more exact.

Dream State

Harry sat up in his bed. He had just had the weirdest dream but he could not remember what it was anymore. Shrugging, he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and glanced at the clock. He had more than enough time to get ready for the day. He drew back the curtains and stepped out. He pulled his robes on quietly and sneaked out of the dorm room.

When Harry had reached the common room, he headed for one of the armchairs by the fire, but he stopped short when something on the notice board that caught his eye. He headed toward the notice board. Someone had pinned up a new notice. Harry skimmed it quickly then started to turn away when he finally realized what it said. He stopped and turned back.

No, he had read it right. Dumbledore was teaching Ballet classes in the Great Hall every Thursday night. Harry pictured his Headmaster in tights and immediately felt sick. He shook his head, trying to get the image out of his head.

“Whatcha looking at, Harry?” Came the voice of Neville. Harry wiped around to see Neville, all dressed up and ready to begin another day of school.

“This,” he said gesturing to the new notice. “Dumbledore is going to give Ballet lessons in the Great Hall.”

“That sounds splendid.” Neville replied. “Do you have a quill? I’d like to sign up as soon as possible.”

“Excuse me?” Harry answered, in complete disbelief. “You want to take Ballet lessons with Professor Dumbledore?” Harry regretted saying that, because the instant the words left his mouth, he pictured Dumbledore once again, in tights. Harry mentally kicked himself and bit his lip to keep from spewing all over his dorm mate.

“Never mind, I found one.” He continued as if Harry never spoke. He raised the quill up to write his name on the parchment. After finishing, Neville turned back to Harry and handed him the quill. “See you in Trelawney’s class.” He said with a smile and skipped through the door of the common room.

Harry watched the door for a moment then turned around only to come face to face with Hermione. Harry opened his mouth to greet his friend when she suddenly threw her arms around him. Harry stood there, trying not to lose his balance as she began to lean on him.

“I don’t think it’s very healthy, eating hair.” Came the voice of Ron, who was standing behind Hermione. Harry agreed, because at the moment his entire mouth was filled with Hermione’s bushy hair (which had a faint taste of strawberries). Hermione let go of him and took a step back. Harry cleared his mouth of Hermione’s hair before looking up at his two best friends. Ron look incredibly annoyed but Hermione was looking at the new notice that was pinned up.

“Did you see this?” she said, pointing at the new notice. Ron stepped forward to look at it.

“Dumbledore’s teaching Ballet? He knows Ballet?” Ron exclaimed, looking at Harry.

“Yea, it’s kinda-” Harry started, but Hermione decided to finish his sentence.

“Brilliant. Can I borrow this?” she said, grabbing the quill out of Harry’s hands.

“Crazy,” he finished weakly. Ron nodded in agreement.

“Here,” Hermione said, handing Harry back the quill after she finished writing her name on the list. “Let’s go.” She said, heading through the door and into the hallway. “So, have neither one of you signed up for Dumbledore’s dance lessons?” she asked as they took their seats at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall.

Ron shoved a roll into his mouth to avoid answering. “No, but Neville did.” Harry said.

“Well, good for him. Ballet lessons might help him with his accident prone-ness. Honestly, Ron, that is disgusting.” She said as Ron shoved another roll in his mouth. Ron gave her an I’m-not-doing-anything-wrong look and swallowed his roll.

“Aren’t male dancers sissy?” Ron asked innocently, heaping a pile of pancakes onto his plate. Evidently he didn’t see Hermione’s incredibly annoyed look because he began to shovel the pancakes into his mouth.

“Actually, male dancers are quite strong because they-“ Hermione had begun one of her speeches, but was interrupted by a spray of half chewed pancakes coming out of Ron’s mouth. Thankfully, there was no one sitting across from Ron. Unfortunately, (for Malfoy anyway) Malfoy happened to be walking in front of Ron at that moment and got covered in a spray of half chewed pancakes.

Hermione glared at Ron when he burst out laughing (thus the spray of half chewed pancakes) but the sight of Malfoy standing there half-covered in pancakes was too much. The hall had been completely silent when Malfoy became covered in pancakes, but Hermione’s giggles broke the silence. It was like someone had unpaused the scene in the Great Hall, because everyone began laughing at Malfoy. Even Crabbe and Goyle had problems looking menacing. Malfoy shook as much as the pancakes off himself as he could and waited for the laughter to die down, looking more scornful than ever. Finally, the laughter died down and it was Ron spoke up.

“What are you doing down here, besides getting covered with pancakes?”

“I wouldn’t expect someone with dimwitted parents to know.” Malfoy said.

“Dimwitted!” Ron growled.

“Yes. Your parents adopted a cow. Her name is Fluffy. And that is why your parents are dimwitted. But I suppose I should tell you what I’m doing over here.” He said dramatically with a sneer. “I have come to challenge Neville to a butter eating contest.” He spun around on his heels and started towards Neville. “Oh, and here.” He tossed the newspaper onto Ron’s pancakes.

Ron grabbed the newspaper and opened it. Harry looked over Ron’s shoulder. “I don’t believe it.”

“I know, a butter eating contest.” Hermione said in disbelief as she pored herself a cup of coffee.

“Your parents really did adopt a cow.” Harry said, reading the article.

“No, no. Malfoy can’t read, the cow’s name is Goofy no Fluffy.” Ron exclaimed. “I got another sister!”

"The invisibility booster must be faulty." Hermione mumbled. Harry and Ron looked up at her.

“What?” Ron asked.

“I have to go,” Hermione said, grabbing her stuff and running out of the Great Hall. As she left the Great Hall she crashed right into Cho. Harry and Ron watched as Hermione picked herself up and disappeared out of sight. Cho, on the other hand, picked herself up looking extremely angry. She stormed her way towards the Gryffindor table. A first year stepped in front of her and she shoved the first year out of the way.

“Whoa, no one get in her way.” Harry and Ron turned to look at a first year sitting near them. She had her book open and it was evident that she was reading from the book and not commenting on what Cho was doing.

“You,” came Malfoy’s voice. “Longbottom, I challenge you to a butter eating contest.” Harry was still watching Cho storm towards them, while Ron had gone back to shoveling pancakes into his mouth.

“Okay, but you have to be my dance partner at Dumbledore’s Ballet class.” Neville said unsurely. Ron sprayed pancakes again, this time; it was Cho that was the unfortunate victim.

Cho stopped dead in her tracks then slowly turned to give Ron a death glare. In the background, Harry heard Malfoy saying “Don’t be daft, you dance with girls in Ballet. It’s called Pas de Deux.” Harry glanced over at Ron and saw that he wasn’t going to be able to apologize anytime soon.

“He didn’t mean it.” Harry said, gesturing at Ron, who by now had almost fallen off his seat because he was laughing so hard. “Really Cho.” Harry tried again; he himself was trying not to laugh.

“I came to watch the butter eating contest between Neville and Draco, and look what happens. First your girlfriend knocks me over and she doesn’t apologize.” At the mention of Hermione being Harry’s girlfriend, Ron stopped laughing and glared at Cho, but she took no notice and continued talking. “All she’s does is mumble something about an invisibility booster. Then your stupid friend sprays half eaten food. And-” Harry thought Cho was going to start crying all over again when Ron interrupted her.

“Somebody told me, you had a boyfriend that looked like a girlfriend.” He growled nastily. “Why do you have a gender confused boyfriend, or should I say girlfriend.”

If it were actually possible to shoot lightening out of your eyes, Ron and Cho would have done it. The two of them were frozen in a stare match and there was nothing that could break the match. Harry sighed and put a pancake onto his plate and began to eat it. As Harry finished his first pancake he saw Trelawney heading down towards him. Harry sat there wondering what could have possessed Trelawney to come down here in the first place. The last time she did that was when Umbridge was here.

“Harry,” she gasped. “How are you feeling?”

“Er, good.”

“I was looking into my crystal ball, and do you know what I saw?”

“No professor” replied Harry, preparing for another prediction of his early death.

“I saw a wedding, yes, a wedding. You and that girl, what’s her name? Oh, yes, Hermione.” She looked carefully at Harry and walked away without another word.

“Hermione?” Ron growled. Harry turned to look at Ron only to see…

Harry sat up in his bed. He had just had the weirdest dream but he could not remember what it was anymore.

I'm not obsessed, just crazy.
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