i got stuck on the piano pieces... XD! ♣ Heejin here | Did somebody say coffee & cakes? | cat lover ♣ Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie "There are competitions too, for chocolate or sugar sculptures," she nodded, clearly on a kick talking about eatable art. "I've always wanted to go to one, but never had the chance. All the famous ones are in Europe and, well, mother doesn't really like me to travel all that much." Shame really, she could have found a potential career in pastries that would have kept her closer to home like her mother wanted. Now, her head was high in the clouds flying with dragons.
She giggled as Jonathan took on the appearance of a boy who had just got his hand caught in the cookie jar. Her eyes gazed back at the ivories in front of them. "Jonathan, do you think you could play another song for me?" Now that just sounds mouth-watering for some reasons. Jonathan should really go to this place!!! He's dying to know more about it and listening to Kurumi just officially made him a fan of the Santa Village..... AND it's in Europe too. Jonathan smiled. His parents loves to travel a lot. "Your mother is just worried about you" yeah, like every mother. It's always in their nature to worry about their little cubs. GULP.
Another song? His mind suddenly went blank again. He always play the piano and doesn't seem to really stress which pieces to play. So why all of a sudden, it seems like he has nothing? THINK! He could play another composition for her... but which one? He looked at her for awhile and then he put the box beside him. Taking out his handkerchief, he wiped his finger. "Okay..." he said pouting his lips. His still thinking what to play. "This would be a little bit faster than the first one i guess..." he laughed as he positioned his fingers on the white and black keys. Then he started playing. It's not as good as what he played earlier. This one is kind of sloppy probably.
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