♣ Heejin here | Did somebody say coffee & cakes? | cat lover ♣ Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie "Of course," she nodded with a small smile. "Why wouldn't I?" Then again, she had a lot more to recover from since she grew up in a non-magical environment, so a lot of the basics that people knew about because of their pureblood or at least partial magical upbringing, so having those texts for a reference was something that she was relying on heavily. Each book was served as the foundation for the next.
Oh...erm...right... she had promised to play on the piano. Yeah, but probably Mozart compared to her. She kept that comment to herself.
She hunched her shoulders and removed her hands from the keys, setting them on her lap and glanced over her shoulder at him. A few strands of her black hair fell over her shoulder, and she quickly pushed them behind her ear. "I...guess..." she said, feeling a little numb from his compliments. She didn't really deserve them. "I don't feel anything when I play though...it's like a routine. Something that I have only memorized without thinking." Probably the complete opposite from how he played.
She scooted over on the piano bench a bit. "Could you...play for me?" Jonathan nodded. Books were important to some people and it's okay. His father has his own library that Jonathan doesn't even bother visiting to. Everyone has their own way of learning. A study plan, Kurumi's just thinking twice ahead than everyone else. See?! Since Jonathan doesn't bring his past books, he has to borrow books from her. It's definitely an advantage. On his seventh year when taking his NEWTs, he'll definitely remember to bring his old textbooks as well. It's pretty much helpful when you're trying to review over the basics. Jonathan understood that now.
Jonathan then smiled as he stood up and walked over to her. "you don't have to be so hard on yourself, Kurumi" he said as he started touching the piano keys. Lovely. "Kurumi's passion belonged to baking" and no one can ever get that from her, not even her mother. Baking is also like playing the piano. You need to have the heart and the passion for it. Maybe, that's why no matter how much Jonathan tries it, he can never bake something as good as Kurumi does. 0__________________0.
Was he really next??? He hasn't really prepared anything at this time. He looked at the keys and tried to think of what piece to play for her. "Last summer..." he looked at her "I tried composing a song" he pouted his lips. He is definitely nervous about this. "So probably I should be the one to say, don't laugh... okay?" he laughed. It's true, the composition is complete but it was not as hard compared to what her mother had composed for her.
Jonathan then tried stretching his fingers and looked at Kurumi "Happy Valentines' Day" he smiled as he started to play.
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