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Does Jonathan looked stressed right now? if he does, then that's not good. Not good at all. Jonathan did dress up accordingly and made sure his faced looked presentable. Kurumi should have seen him the moment he woke up, he looked like he just laid an egg or something.
He shook his head though "I started studying last night" or at least tried to. He really though he was going to finish reading half of the book but in the end he managed to read about 30 pages or so. He had to research more about Herbology. He doesn't exactly have clue half of the book was talking about. The plants were just complicated to memorize. He should have brought his first year herbology book with him as reference. It would have been so much helpful. "Don't worry though... If i get the hard subjects over with, the other ones will just pass." he grinned. He still had to focus on Arithmancy, Astonomy, and History of Magic.
Jonathan took a seat in an extra chair he found around the corner. It was a bit comfortable. He looked at Kurumi staring at those keys. "What will you be playing for me?" he smiled. It didn't matter to him if she had soul or not. All he just wanted to do was to listen to her play. Jonathan loved the piano but that doesn't make him much of an expert on it.
Eek, did he really have to sit off in another chair like a real audience member? Kurumi suddenly felt more nervous, until he mentioned that he had begun studying for his exams. Good for him! Seemed like he just needed a gentle nudge in the right direction. "
I'm glad to hear that," she smiled. "Let me know if you need any help. I have all my old textbooks with me." Tucked safely away in her trunk in the girl's dormitory in fact just in case she ever needed them for reference. She smiled at him reassuringly. "
Getting the harder subjects out of the way is certainly a good way to look at it." Truth was, he probably didn't need any help with Potions. He could probably hardly study at all and pass.
She glanced back at the piano and sighed. "
Oh...um...a piece that my mother wrote when I was born. It's...kind of the only song I can play without looking at any sheet music." Her mother used to play it for her to put her to sleep. Kurumi could practically play it the moment her small fingers had touched the ivories due to how many times she had heard it. Still, every time she played it, she felt...empty. "
Don't...laugh, okay?"
Nice disclaimer Kurumi.
Slowly, her fingers pressed on the keys and she began
to play in an almost robotic fashion due to how precise her movements were.