Meet an Author: verbain
This month's Meet an Author interviewee is verbain Active Drabbles/Ficlets 50 Ficlets for Harry Potter by Emily - Sa13+ 100 Stories for Godric and His Lions! - Sa13+ Finished Drabbles 100 Slithery Drabbles for Draco Malfoy by Emily - Sa13+ Inactive Drabbles/Ficlets 100 Drabbles Before Thing Pulls Out Blondie's Fake Hair! - Sa13+ Emily's 50 Ficlets for Ron & Hermione - Sa13+ Drabbles for Caitlyn & Scottie by Emily & Lottie - Sa13+ Interviewer: Hera Interviewee: verbain
So without further ado, I present to you.... verbain! The Interview Emily! first off, congratulations on being our Author of the Month, how do you feel? Thank you! =D I'm shocked more than anything, because I never once thought of myself as an Author on SS! But I am very happy to be noticed alongside all the other awesome writers, so thanks! Hehe well you're very welcome! So let’s get to know you a little, who are you? Where are you from? What do you do? My name is Emily, I am 18 years old and I live in England! I've just finished college where I studied childcare and now I work in a nursery.  What was the first book you remember reading? Oooh... Honestly, I wasn't much of a reader as a kid, but the first book I remember reading FULLY, was 'The Suitcase Kid' by Jacqueline Wilson. Haha. The first book that got me really interested in reading nowadays was 'Twilight' by Stephenie Meyer. *hides in shame*
I hate Twilight now, but since I read that series, I started to read more and more. Haha don't be ashamed *pets* ... it's not that bad. Do you have a favourite genre or a favourite author? XD My favourite genre is definitely Fantasy/Romance. Which obviously started with the Harry Potter series, but I'm rather obsessed with Vampire stories right now. (The Vampire Diaries + True Blood books *nodsnods*) My favourite author is definitely J.K Rowling. I think she is the only author that gives loads back to her fans. Pottermore, for example. She's just amazing! What inspires and motivates you to write? I think SS inspires me a lot. I never wrote anything at all until I got onto this site, which is great! Through role-playing, drabbling, reading other peoples' stuffs, etc... I think this is a great place to fit my writing needs, and it has definitely helped me develop any skills with it. 
Harry Potter also inspires me, of course. Everything I write it HP-related and that's just the way I like it! Hehe. Oh thats brilliant! SS is rather special like that. *loves it*
So how did you discover SS? *loves it, too*
I think I was just going through a very obsessive Harry Potter stage in my life, haha. I must have stumbled across it randomly, I suppose, and I wasn't very active at first. But then, I got to a point where my life would revolve around this site. Unfortunately, I don't have as much time for it now as I used to, but I still pop along every day, hehe. Haha yes! SS does have that effect on people *is addicted*
Do you have a particular method to the way you write? Umm, not really, but it has improved so much over my two years on SS. I occasionally look back on RP's that I joined in with when I was a newbie and I couldn't even spell/punctuate, hahah! I sometimes write as if the character is writing it, if that makes sense. Like a diary but not in the first person. 
I see quite a few people do that, though! I dunno if it's a method. XD Do you write for yourself outside of SS? Is HP the only genre you write? Umm, not really. I tend to read a lot of other peoples' fanfictions and stories from other sites and stuff, but never really got into writing my own. There's just something about SS, I spose! XD As of now, HP is the only thing I write about, but I think I could definitely do different things in the future! What sort of music inspires you? Do you have a favourite band/singer? I listen to loaaaads of music, and yeah, it definitely inspires me! I can listen to anything apart from r&b and hip hop n stuff, haha. Umm, haven't had a favourite band/singer in ages, but recently I find that I relate to music by LIGHTS and Scouting For Girls. :-P Whose your favourite HP character and why? Oooh, probably Ron Weasley! It used to be Luna, I just wish she had more book time/screen time so I could appreciate her awesomeness even more! But I adore Ron, because he is adorable, hilarious and perfect for Hermioneee! 
If you were a Bertie Bott every flavour bean, what flavour would you be? Probably ketchup flavour! Not that I would taste very nice, but ketchup goes onto every meal of mine so I guess I would taste a lot like it! Haha! Do you have any hobbies? I don't really have time for hobbies nowadays :-( I used to do baton twirling, hehe, which is something I was quite passionate about cos I was quite good, js. But lately, I only ever work, read and occasionally write! Imagine you got the Nobel Peace prize for one of your writing pieces, who would you thank? Oh, blimey. I would probably thank everyone who took the time to read it! Whenever I have written anything, I never thought people would be particularly interested in it. So, even getting this interview surprised me quite a bit! I would also thank the people who inspired me to write as well, cos it's quite impossible without inspiration! 
Hehe nnaaw. Well thanks Emily, for letting us get to know you, and for being a terrific writer. We wish you all the best for future endeavours and we can't wait to read more! 
Aww, thank you for taking the time to interview me and your kind words!  |