Thread: Le Bake Off
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Old 10-23-2011, 08:56 AM   #16 (permalink)

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Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: nickle's back pocket
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Astrid Grimaldi
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Nikita Vitvinina-Grahn
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ascella Archer
Fifth Year
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up

SPOILER!!: Mr. Lion Head Boy

"Sweet Merlin Evelyn! What was that for?" Carter asked rubbing his poor injured hand. He'd need that later! Then he spotted one of the bottles on the table. What were those doing on the table? He pocketed them.

Then he heard the door open. YAY! Kurumi was here with his apple! He graciously took it and began munching it. He didn't even notice her teethmarks in it.

He blinked. Did he mind if she stayed? Wasn't that cheating if Kurumi helped you bake something?

But soon other students entered and he didn't get to respond to her. First was Caroline. He greeted her with a smile and a nod. Then the girl he met at the quidditch match. Then some people he didn't know. Then one of his players. Followed by more people he didn't know.

That was enough people to start, right?

He cleared his throat to indicate he was starting...

"Apple pie is one of my absolute favorite type of pies. But we're not here to talk about the history of my eating habits. But... if you want to sometime... lemme know. Now. Apple pie was made famous by the Americans. They eat it with every holiday... and from what I understand they even have pie festivals." Carter paused for a second to let that wonderful thought sink in.

"But, did you guys know that apple pies originated in the Middle Ages? Sure, it wasn't the delicious pastry that we know and love today, but the thought was there. Fast-forward a few centuries and colonial Brits introduce apple trees to the colonies and batta-bing batta-boom we have the deliciousness that exists today."

Ehh... that was accurate enough.

"So, to celebrate this American tradition we are having a bake-off!" As if they couldn't tell by the pie ingredients everywhere...

"Everyone still have their apples?" he asked looking around. Looks like it. "Brilliant. You'll notice that our lovely Kurumi here has already pre-made dough for everyone... so your task will be just to fill up the pie and put the top crust on." He then walked the length of the table placing pieces of parchment at random intervals. "The parchment I just handed out has a simple pie filling recipe, but you're not limited to this if you have your own way of making them. When you're done putting the pies together set it off on the far end of the table there and Evelyn and I will take them down to the kitchens to bake."

Those were enough instructions, right?

"Everything you'll need is on the table here..." he said looking around to double-check that fact. "Oh... and one more thing. The house elves won't let me near their knives anymore... which is another story entirely... so you'll have to use diffendo to slice the apples."

"So... have fun people." And try to ignore the scary Head Girl sitting at the Headmaster's spot.

He then turned back to Kurumi. He was about to explain to her that it wouldn't be fair to have her there when he changed his mind.

"Yeah. But only if you plan on making a pie for me." Because he wanted one. He couldn't be in here and not go crazy unless he knew he'd have a fresh pie along with everyone else.[/color]

ooc: Just like last time there's no posting limit or minimum, just have fun and try not to make too much a mess (the staff wouldn't be pleased if we destroyed their table ). Like Carter said we're just filling up the pre-made pie crust with filling and sticking another pie crust on top. Feel free to work alone, in partners, or in groups. Although you don't have to have posted in the bobbing for apples thread to post here, it would be nice. And just like in the last event you'll have a day before the next part of the event is open, so take your time.[/color]

Bake... APPLE PIES?!

At least her mom taught her to bake pies, but not APPLE pies. Katrina got her apron and...


Katrina read the first instructions...

1. Heat oven to 425°F. Place 1 pie crust in ungreased 9-inch glass pie plate. Press firmly against side and bottom.

Katrina ran. She placed one pie crust in the ungreased 9-inch pie plate and made some special arrangements to it so it is pressed firmly against the side and bottom.

Next instructions...
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________

___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...

Last edited by Kimothy; 10-23-2011 at 12:09 PM.
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