Lights felt a little guilty. She had already morphed into her dog form in the Security Office that day, but that had been part of introductions. Simple pleasantries. Tell that to Richard, thought Lights. He was scared stiff. She had to cover a grin at the memory of her coworker's face. Lights wrote a reminder to register herself as an Animagus. Easy enough. But the thing about not snooping around ... now Bole had laid that clearly on the table, Lights couldn't exactly defy it openly. Which meant that looking for her mother's murder file was going to be harder than she'd anticipated. Lights bit her lip, rolling her pen between her thumb and forefinger. Her mind drifted to Ethan. Hopefully he wasn't as bored as she was right now ...
Lights raised her hand awkwardly, feeling a bit like a child back at Hogwarts. "Um, who do I see to register myself as an Animagus?"
OOC: I know where to go OOC, but not IC