Username: mellamaet
Member number: 117634
House: Slytherin
Character Name: Ara Cassandra Prewett
Year: 4th Journal Title: The "Allie" Chronicles Entry 1: February 10, 2076 (The Meeting)
Well, I can't really count class as my first encounter with my then-unnamed-egg since I didn't really mind it much till I saw a friend of mine carrying her egg around, and so, I rushed back to the Slytherin dorms, practically tearing it apart (I probably scared a couple of first years) just to find the egg, which was on my cat's old bed. Thankfully, it was a nice, soft surface, so no damage whatsoever was found on the surface on my egg.
And speaking of which, I found it shaking! At first I thought it was probably just scared of all the screaming that I had been doing while trying to look for it, but when things had finally quieted down, it was still shaking, so I deduced that it was probably from the cold...after all, the dungeons wasn't known as being one of the warmest places in Hogwarts, and so, I cast the
'Argentum Calidus' charm on it, and sure enough, it stopped shivering! Yay.
Then, I decided to name it Allie, coming from the word 'Alloy' which most metals - even silver - have. Isn't it awesome?
Slytherin Girls' Dorm ------------------------------------------------------ Entry 2: February 18, 2076 (Allie makes an Enemy)
Today, I decided to take Allie with me to the owlery to wait for my mother's letter...but things didn't turn out the way I planned it.
First, Allie has somehow gotten herself wet, and I absolutely have no clue how it happened, or why, but I didn't really mind it as I simply cast the Argentum Siccus charm to dry her up. Then, when my owl finally arrived, Things started to go downhill from there. Well, fist off, SHE HATED ALLIE. Absolutely loathed her. So, she started hooting at her,while Allie just sat there like the metal egg that she was, so, I protective and hugged my egg closer to me, which just totally made my owl even angrier and so she flew off and pooped on Allie!
and me
So, basically, it was a major disaster. I am never putting them in the same room, ever again.
Owlery ------------------------------------------------------ Entry 3: February 20, 2076 (Breakfast Blues)
So, Allie woke me up today. Yippee. For some insane reason, she had somehow ended up on my bed! I don't know how, but I woke up to her, jumping on top of the green comforter! She almost fell of the bed too, it was a good thing I caught her in time. Honestly, this egg was learning how to disobey me faster than I did with my mother. But, aside from the near accident, nothing else out of the ordinary happened. She was a good little egg that stayed in her basket while got ready for the day and we both went down to breakfast.
That was where the action started.
So, I was sitting there, about to eat the delicious piece of toast with strawberry jam, then Allie suddenly goes crazy and started shaking, not only that, when I tried to touch her she burnt me! But finally, after cooling her down. she calmed too..but then I guess she hated my toast, because when I reached for another thing to eat, she didn't go berserk like last time.
It was a shame.
I'm rather fond of toast.
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