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"I will, Ma'am!" answered Erin instantly then giggling at the Slytherin. At least, she wasn't mad now. Erin hated when people becomes upset beacause of her actions, either friends of enemies.
A tunnel! Whoa! If it was dangerous, what would happen to them? Would the professors going to take rescue of them? What if they die in here? What if she'll never see Hogwarts again? Or Aurora, or Beezus, Harvey, Minerva, Cass, Presley, Des, Jayden, Scott, or even Sky? Will she ever see Professor Bentley again, or Professor Schirmer, or Professor Hadley? Or even the Headmaster? What about her Daddy, or Nanny Lisa, or Cristina? How come they needed enter this place?
Sky spoke in a calm voice in contrast of the worried things that was clouding Erin's mind. She responded in a very worried tone, "Hell?" And she was clearly over-reacting now.
Surely she didn't just suggest what I think she just suggested? "Why would a tunnel in a magic school lead
there?" Sky asked, truly curious. She lit her wand and tried to get a good look down the tunnel while she waited for Erin's answer. Really, what could have lead her to that conclusion? The tunnel didn't even look like it went downwards.