Dude. The Pensevies aint got nothing on you. Aslan is the God 36. Muggle Sixth Year
Continued from Sammy's "Act" Was she crazy? Possibly. “I’m not” Amy muttered, folding her arms, “I just....have my own mind and I’m not a mush brain like you!” Amy retorted, glaring at Sammy “Perleeeeze Amy, you’re just a stubborn mule!” Sammy sighed, rolling her eyes “I am not; you’re the one who’s all.....MUGGLE!” Amy burst out “OI!” Sammy snapped, “WHAT DO YOU MEAN!”
“Well?” “You’re waaay too into romances” Amy mumbled, staring at her feet “So that makes me muggle?” Sammy asked, raising an eyebrow at Amy “I didn’t think that one through”
“It shows” Sammy laughed, prodding her friend sharply |