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Old 10-18-2011, 11:25 PM   #25 (permalink)
Berty Borr

Very Busy & Important
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Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 View Post
Armen's smirk towards the servant Maintenance girl polishing the Minister's shoes, picking up his toenail clippings, and then having to answer the door only lasted a few seconds because behind him, the door was being knocked on again. Didn't people understand that the Minister was in an important meeting with him, Armen Recard, the best Department Head in the Ministry of Magic?!

Greingoth was such a terrible doorman.

Turning back to the Minister as the Maintenance worker went to answer the door, he nodded again as the obtuse man spoke about his task of needing to brag to Bole about his new assitant (who had better be hot), his pay raise, the new NailClippings Division, and the very important Order of Merlin nomination presented to himself. He would do those things even if he wasn't asked to.

The large erruption of gas sounded as Borr stood, signalling Armen to do the same. He was then signalled to give the smelly man a hug. Who was Armen to refuse the man had given him so much! He smiled brightly and gave the man a hug, or attempted to since his arms couldn't reach around his great girth. "Thank you your Lordship!"

"WELL? Who is IT, MAINTENANCE GIRL? HURRY IT UP! I don't have all day to wait on you! I'm THE MINISTER OF MAGIC!"


Lord Borr hugged Armen with his beefy thick arms, cracking the young man's back. "Now stop dawdling around my office. You'll make the other Department Heads jealous," the Minister chuckled. "GREEN WITH ENVY!"

"Hurry up whoever is lingering outside my office. Tell them that wasting the Minister's time is the first step towards Azkaban. You tell them that, Armen, and let me know how your new assistant works out!"

Someone unimportant whose name slips my memory made this signature.
Twas Lady Borr who did it, sir!
Boor's bringin' sexy back and yall just hatin'
Kingston: Marry me my lord. We're perfect for each other.
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