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Old 10-18-2011, 06:59 PM   #8 (permalink)

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Default Elise Fairfield ~ First Year Ravenclaw
½ of Lauralie | Koala | The being in Ern's pocket | Baby Smurf | Prouf member of The Flock

Username: Iceblossom22
Member number: 127180
House: Ravenclaw
Character name: Elise Fairfield
Year: First

El and Ally's Eggtastic Journey

Entry 1: January 18th, 2076
SPOILER!!: Entry 1
Today, I met Ally. My beautiful, shiny, colorful metal egg. We had learnt how to take care of her and take care of her I shall.

Ever since class, I kept Ally (my egg) inside my pocket. I think I'm going to bring her everywhere, just to make sure my cat, Snow doesn't eat her. Snowy would eat anything.

As I was saying writing, I've kept Ally in my pocket. That was, until she went completely freezing in my pocket and started shivering. Terrified that something bad had happened to Ally, I pulled her out of my pocket. My fingers nearly went numb with cold.

Checking my Charms notes, I found the Warming Charm. Argentum Calidus, with a twirl and point. When I performed the charm on Ally, something I didn't quite expect happened. Ally wriggled, as if trying to get comfortable and closer to the warmth.

Holding her firmly, I cast the charm a few more times before Ally snuggled calmly into my palm. I then pulled my spare woolly socks out of my bag and gently pushed Ally in. It should keep her warm enough. She seemed to like my snitch-covered socks.

I'm signing off now. I'll write more when there's more to say.

Always yours,
El Fairfield

Link: The Ravenclaw study tables

Entry 2: January 23rd, 2076

SPOILER!!: Entry 2
Today, just before I went to sleep, I was checking on Ally.

I was amazed again at how beautiful the swirls on her shell were, until she burned up as if having a fever. I nearly dropped her as I reached for my wand.

I tried casting Argentum Frigidus, but it didn't work the first time. Ally just got even hotter. I tried it again, holding Ally in a woolen sock because she was too hot to hold in my hand.

It worked. Ally became cool again, and put her down on the table beside my bed. I'd be able to check on her if anything went wrong in the middle of the night.

I'm sorry this entry's short. I'm really sleepy.

El Fairfield

Link: The Ravenclaw Girls' Dorms

Entry 3: January 31st, 2076

SPOILER!!: Entry 3
Today, Ally and I went over to the lake to relax and unwind a little. I put my bag down next to me and pulled my scarf off to make Ally's nest. Once I put Ally in there, though, she started hopping and rolling around and before I knew it, she rolled her way into the Black Lake.

It took me a moment to process what just happened, but when I did, I pulled out my wand and tried the summoning charm. And guess what? I did it! All the practicing I'd done had actually paid off! It felt amazing!

Then, Ally zoomed out of the water and hopped into my skirt, getting it all wet. Crap. Holding her in my right hand, I tried to call the drying charm to my mind.

Right, Argentum Siccus. As soon as I'd twirled and pointed my wand at Ally, she went all dry and looked as beautiful as ever. Finally dry, Ally hopped around happily in my hand. I wonder what's in there?

Till next time,
El Fairfield

Link: The Lake

Entry 4: February 13th 2076
SPOILER!!: Entry 4

Hello there, Journal!

I'm sorry I seemed to have forgotten about you. Ally had been behaving rather well, so I forgot to tell you what exactly happened.

Well, today Ally ripped my robes. And I'm telling you all about it.

So, after classes were over and I finished my dinner, I went up to the Ravenclaw Common Room and looked for a vacant armchair. I found one over by the fireplace with a nice little table to put my books on.

I put my book bag on the table and pulled out my new book, 'Forget-Her-Nots.' Only halfway through the second chapter, I felt an irritated bouncing in my pocket. Ally the Egg.

Pulling her out, I realized that her normally beautiful swirly patterns seemed grainy and unfocused, as if dehydrated. She was okay after I used an Argentum Humidus, though.

When I asked her if she wanted me to read to her, she actually hopped happily and rolled into my lap. I wonder if she actually knows what's going on or if it's just something she does.

El Fairfield.

Link: The Ravenclaw Common Room

Entry 5: February 14th 2076

SPOILER!!: Entry 5

Hello my dear journal,

I know. I'm terrible for abandoning you all day. But here's what happened on Valentines Day.

Ally and I were trying to escape the madness that they call Valentines' Day. It's really disgusting, with the PDA and the mushiness everywhere.

So, we went up the giant treehouse and Ally seemed bored, lifeless. When I pulled her out, she seemed dull. In need of a good polish.

I used Excolo on her, sweeping my wand over Ally and making sure I didn't miss a spot. Strangely, after I did so I noticed that she seemed to emit a silvery glow. It was almost like an aura. It was very strange indeed.

Well, I'll sign off now. I've got tire swings to try out.

Yours in strangeness,
El Fairfield.

Link: The Giant Treehouse

Entry 6: February 27th, 2076
SPOILER!!: Entry 6

Dear Journal,

Ally and I popped by the students garden today. She seemed to like the flowers. I like them too. Professor Bentley's really done an awesome job with the garden.

Anyway, when I pulled Ally out of my pocket, she seemed fine. At a normal temperature but looking slightly dull. Pulling out my wand, I polished her using Excolo. She emitted that silvery aura again. It's rather strange. I really do wonder what charms Professor Schirmer's put on them...

So, today I tried an experiment. I tried Argentum Calidus when Ally wasn't hot. She actually twitched irritably and glowed a little red. Feeling her heat up in my hand, however, wasn't quite as pleasant. After I cast the Argentum Fridgidus, she was okay again. What an adorable little eggy.

Curiously yours,
El Fairfield.

Link: The Student Gardens

Entry 7: March 18th, 2076
SPOILER!!: Entry 7

Dear Journal,

Today, I visited the Portraits with Ally on the way to Herbology. Well, it started with me dropping her onto the frame of one particularly mean picture's frame. He seemed to have a pet snake which he brandished at me. Disgusting. I would have thrown up if I didn't feel sorry for the house elves.

There was another portrait making fun of me until this nice violinist portrait person told them to shut their traps. Apparently, they're mean to everyone. Bullies.

She actually played a piece for us, Ave Maria by Schubert. She played so well, I hope I'll get that good someday. Her violin was very pretty too, almost golden in color. Very cool.

Ally liked the music, twitching in time. She emitted a bright blue glow too. Maybe that means she's happy...

I think I'll try play my violin for Ally. I think she likes music.

Yours forever,
El Fairfield.
Link: Talking to the Portraits

Entry 8: March 26th, 2076
SPOILER!!: Entry 8

Dear Journal,

It's me again! And Ally and I went on a visit to the kitchens today!

Unfortunately, there was a sign saying that were weren't allowed. That's just depressing. So, as I skidded to a halt, I dropped it. Her. I dropped Ally the Metal Egg.

Noticing some scratches that were just marring her perfection, I pulled out my wand and traced over the egg, paying extra attention to the scratches. I performed the polishing charm, Excolo perfectly.

Well, since I'm not allowed to eat, I'm off to bed.

~El Fairfield

Link: Outside the Kitchens

Entry 9: March 31st, 2076
SPOILER!!: Entry 9

Dear journal,

Ally met Gaby today. She's my best friend. We were at the fountain together, cloudgazing when Ally slipped out of my hand. She bounced on the grass a little while before stopping. I used the Argentum Siccus charm on it, and she dried like a charm. Well... It was a charm...

After that, I polished her off with an excolo. There was a scratch. On. Her. A SCRATCH!

I fixed it with the excolo, though. She looks more beautiful then ever, but I wonder what's with the aura. It seemed purplish this time. Really do sorta hope Ally's a real egg, tough. She seems alive...

El Fairfield.
Link: The Waterfall!

Entry 10: April 4th, 2076
SPOILER!!: Entry 10

Dear Journal,

It's my birthday today! And somehow, the egg seemed to know. It flashed all sorts of colors, it was beautiful. I don't know, but I swear Ally's alive. She's been such a good egg. I love her already.

I wonder what she'll be when she hatches... Maybe a phoenix? Or an eagle. Something magical, maybe? I know Professor Schirmer's awesome with her charms, she'd have done something absolutely fantastic. With a final excolo, Ally's ready to be handed in.

Do we get to keep our eggs? I have yet to hear from Professor Schirmer, and I hope it'll be good news.

Till we meet again,
Elise Fairfield.

Link: The Gazebo


Last edited by laurange; 12-03-2011 at 06:40 AM.
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