Username: FireboltAvis88 Member Number: 170888
House: Hufflepuff
Character Name: Alyssa Potter
Year: Second Year
Journal: Taking Care of Queenie Entry 1: 01/18/2076
I checked on Queenie, my egg today. I call it Queenie, even though I don't even think it has a gender, because it's all shiny and has swirly decorations. The Professor told us that we had to practice the charms we learnt in class in order to take care of Queenie. The charms were
Argentus Frigidus which makes it cold or freezing;
Argentum Calidus which makes it hot or warm;
Argentum Siccus which makes it wet. Note to self: Always remember to carry a small towel or rag. This is one messy spell;
Argentum Humidus which fortunately dries it up and
Excolo, which makes the egg all shiny and brand new again.
I had checked Queenie a couple of times in the past, and didn’t notice any change until today. Qeenie was very cold to the touch. I believe that it was because of the sudden drop in temperature in the room because it had snowed really bad last night. Even though she had been wrapped up in my woolen sock and was inside my bag, the cold air must have seeped through. I had to use the Argentum Calidus spell to warm it back up.
I will need to keep a closer eye on my metal egg from now on.
In the Beginning Entry 2: 02/05/2076
Something unusual happened while I was out at the lake today. While I was there, I decided to check on Queenie. Even though it was still frosty outside, it wasn’t as cold as it had been the last few weeks. I still wanted to make sure that the temperature of the egg was at least somewhere close to room temperature. What was strange was that when I had taken the egg out of my bag, unwrapped it from my woolen sock, and was holding it in my hand, it suddenly ‘jumped’ out and started rolling down the slope and into the lake.
I tried to wade in but the water was too cold, so I decided to use the
Accio spell which worked. Once it flew out of the lake and landed in my hand, I quickly performed that
Argentum Siccus spell to dry it up and then the
Argentum Calidus spell to warm it back up. I checked the surface to see whether there were any dents, but thankfully there were none. I cleaned off most of the dirt of the egg and then used the
Excolo spell to polish it and bring back the luster to its color and swirly decorations. Once Queenie was all warm, dry and polished again, I quickly wrapped the egg back into the woolen sock, tucked it safely in my bag and returned to the castle.
I am still trying to figure out how the egg fell out of my hand. I am very sure that I was holding it firmly. If I didn’t know any better, I could have sworn that it had actually jumped out of my hand, but that is not possible, or is it? Anyway, I will be closely keeping an ever closer eye on it from now on.
I’m ending my entry for today.
A roll in the lake Entry 3: 02/20/2076
I had another strange experience today in the House Common room. After that weird experience at the lake, I decided to check on Queenie in a ‘safe’ and warm environment. After that ‘dunking’ in the lake, I was hoping that its dip in the freezing water didn’t affect it in anyway. Everything looked normal when I took the egg out, and that’s when normal ended.
This time I am sure that the egg bounced out of my hand. It bounced and then rolled away from me, all over the common room, with me chasing after it and then returned to hide under the very same couch that I had been sitting on. Even stranger yet, when I reached in to grab it, it moved away from my fingers like it was dodging me. I do believe that this egg has some form of intelligence.
Anyway, I managed to catch it and used the Excolo spell to polish it up. It is now wrapped in my woolen sock and tucked safely in my bag.
Breakfast now. End of Entry
The Hufflepuff Common Room Runaway Entry 4: 03/02/2076
I now truly believe that this egg in my possession has some form of intelligence. For all I know that could be likely something growing inside it. But for now, I still don’t know what it is. I’m not sure whether it is part of the charm spell that the Professor had cast on it, but it definitely can move, and it seems to have a sense of humor.
I was checking on Queenie while I was in the Common Room before going to bed. It tricked me into thinking that it was not going to jump up out of my hand. But I was wrong. It was actually playing ‘possum’ and waited for me to get closer to it, relax my hand grip, and then it ‘bounced’ up, hit me on the nose before falling out of my hand and rolling away to hide. This time unfortunately it decided to hide in the fireplace which still had burning embers. I was able to retrieve it using the Accio spell. I had to act fast to cool it down. I first used the Argentum Humidus spell to cool it down slowly by getting it wet, and then I used the Argentum Siccus spell to dry it. Then I used the Argentum Frigidus spell to lower its temperature back to room temperature. Lastly, I used the Excolo spell to remove the burn scorch marks.
I’m going to bed now. End of entry.
The Hufflepuff Common Room Nightly Encounter Entry 5: 03/17/2076
I checked on Queenie today, while I was having breakfast in the Great Hall. After its strange behavior the last few times I checked it, to my surprise, nothing happened today. Maybe Queenie had ‘heard’ my request to behave herself and decided to give me a break today. For that I am thankful. I would have been embarrassed if I had to chase my egg all over the Great Hall in front of the other students.
I used the Excolo spell to polish up its metallic shell just to make sure that the shell wouldn't start to rust or tarnish. I need to finish breakfast now or I will be late for class. End of Entry.
Breakfast at Hufflepuff's Entry 6: 03/31/2076
Today I went to look for someone in the gazebo to teach her how to dance the chicken dance. Don’t ask. It was part of the Muggle Studies Homework Assignment Professor Cerulean had assigned us to do. Anyway, while I was there, Queenie decided that it wanted out of my bag. I don’t know how she did it, but when I went to look for her, she was no longer in my bag. After much searching I found her in the bushes, wet, shivering and running a high temperature. I quickly dried her up by casting the Argentum Siccus spell and then I used the Argentum Fridigus spell to bring down her temperature. After two attempts, her temperature was back down to normal room temperature. After manually removing whatever dirt I could from her shell, I used the Excolo charm to prevent her outer covering from rusting and tarnishing.
I still don’t know what is inside this egg, but whatever it is, it doesn’t like being neglected for too long. I will have to make sure that I keep a closer eye on it and ensure that everything is secured before I leave it alone for the night.
The Great Gazebo Escape Entry#7: 04/12/2076
Today, I went to visit Shannia, my Snowy Owl in the Owlery. While I was there I decided to show Queenie to her. Bad mistake!! I accidentally dropped the egg and it dropped onto floor. It rolled around and got covered in owl droppings. Thankfully when I examined it, the fall had not cracked its shell. But I still had to clean it first with the wetting spell, Argentum Humidus, to wash off the owl droppings. Then I dried it by using the Argentum Siccus spell. Finally because it had been exposed to water for at least 2 minutes, I used the Excolo spell to polish it up to prevent it from rusting. I will need to be more careful when handling my egg. This time I was lucky. End of Entry.
An Owlish Encounter Entry#8: 04/26/2076
Today Queenie had the worst experience ever. I was visiting the Girl’s bathroom and was in the toilet. While I was in there doing my ‘business’, I decided to pull out a magazine to read. Big mistake, I accidentally snagged the egg’s sock while pulling out a magazine. I leaned forward to catch the sock before it landed on the ground but in the process, the egg flew out and landed in the toilet bowl behind me. I used the Accio Spell to get it out. Thank goodness I was only doing Number One!!. Anyway, I used the Argentum Humidus spell to quickly wash it and then the Argentum Siccus spell to dry it up. Once it was both clean and dry, I used the Excolo spell to make sure that its encounter with the water in the toilet bowl wouldn't tarnish its shell. I placed the egg back into the sock, tucked it into my bag, remembered to wash my hands thoroughly before leaving the girl’s bathroom. Journal entry end.
A Nightmare in The Girl's Bathroom Entry#9: 05/03/2076
It has been a week since I last checked on Queenie. While I was in the Library Reading Lounge, I decided to check on it. I’m glad to report that despite my neglect, Queenie looked and felt fine. The egg was warm to the touch but still remained within room temperature range. I just used the Excolo spell to polish it up because it was starting to lose its shine. Queenie is now looking all nice and shiny again. I need to get back to my reading. End of Entry.
All Quiet in the Library Reading Lounge Entry#10: 05/10/2011
Here I am back in the Girl’s Dorm room. Almost 5 months ago, I started this journal. Today will be my last entry in this journal. I will soon be told whether Queenie will hatch or not. I guess it just depends on how well I have taken care of it. I took out Queenie out of her woolen sock protection for the last time. Her temperature was normal and even though she was clean of grime, and rust, and was shining like it was brand new, I cast the Excolo spell one more time to polish it and make it shine. I wonder what will become of Queenie. Will it hatch into a creature or will something like a metal ball just pop out of it? I do hope that it’s a creature like a baby owl or even better yet, a baby Phoenix. That would be so cool, because Phoenix’s are very rare now and it would be nice to add another one to the species. I guess I will have to wait and see. I guess patience isn’t one of my known qualities. I’m still waiting to hear from the Professor.
The Final Countdown