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Old 10-17-2011, 11:16 AM
TeafortheSoul TeafortheSoul is offline
Default The Egg Journal.

In this thread you can post your Egg care journal. One post per person. When you have a new entry, you should edit your post by clicking on the post you already made.

Please title your post with your character's name and house!

The template below can be used for your character's journal:

SPOILER!!: journal template

[B][U]Member number:[/U][/B]
[B][U]Character name:[/U][/B]

[B][U][Title of your Journal][/U][/B]

[U]Entry 1: Date[/U]
Talk about your first experiments and getting to know your egg. You can write about what happened in class if you want to, and about how your egg has been since the lesson, but make sure to make a new post somewhere in the school.

[URL="http://link to a post"]link to your relevant post in the school[/URL]

[U]Entry 2: Date[/U]
Build on the first entry and explain how you've been looking after your egg.

[URL="http://link to a post"]link to your relevant post in the school[/URL]

[U]Entry 3: Date[/U]
Build on the previous and explain how you've been looking after your egg.

[URL="http://link to a post"]link to your relevant post in the school[/URL]

[U]Entry 4: Date[/U]
Build on the previous and explain how you've been looking after your egg.

[URL="http://link to a post"]link to your relevant post in the school[/URL]

[U]Entry 5: Date[/U]
Build on the previous and explain how you've been looking after your egg.

[URL="http://link to a post"]link to your relevant post in the school[/URL]

[U]Entry 6: Date[/U]
Build on the previous and explain how you've been looking after your egg.

[URL="http://link to a post"]link to your relevant post in the school[/URL]

[U]Entry 7: Date[/U]
Build on the previous and explain how you've been looking after your egg.

[URL="http://link to a post"]link to your relevant post in the school[/URL]

[U]Entry 8: Date[/U]
Build on the previous and explain how you've been looking after your egg.

[URL="http://link to a post"]link to your relevant post in the school[/URL]

[U]Entry 9: Date[/U]
Build on the previous and explain how you've been looking after your egg.

[URL="http://link to a post"]link to your relevant post in the school[/URL]

[U]Entry 10: Date[/U]
This is the last entry you need to do before the hatching happens! Maybe you want to talk about what you think might come out of your egg or if you think your egg will hatch at all.

[URL="http://link to a post"]link to your relevant post in the school[/URL]

If you want to include images you can, just make sure you re-host them and don't hotlink.

You can find out more about the assignment here and more about what happened in the first lesson where the eggs were given out and the spells were taught here.