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Melanie saw two men in the room as the door was swung open. One was rather large which of course must be the Minister of Magic. The other man seemed like he was in much pain as she what a commotion it was as she standing outside in the hall. She saw the man smirk at her. "This is not going to be good at all." she thought. She just smiled sweetly at the man, but her eyes gave a venomous look hoping that it might burn him. She was definitely not going to help and maintain this idiotic boy, not that she had meant that, but quickly crossed her mind.
"Yes sir. Immediately."she said quickly. Melanie whipped out a sparkling cloth out of her pocket and immediately crouched down to shine his shoes." Melanie murmured a quick spell to make them extra shiny. The shininess almost blinded her when she was done. The pile of toe nails that she had seen had almost made her want to throw up. She pinched her nose and gathered them up with a spell with her wand. She will have to find a place to dispose of this disgusting stuff. Melanie looked up expectantly at the Minister when she was done.
"Will there be anything else that is needed to be done?" she asked. "I can take some dry cleaning if you have any."
At the same time, without anyone knowing, Melanie sent a quick, wordless itching jinx toward the man named Armen. A little smirk crossed her face, but she immediately suppressed it when the Minister looked at her.
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Tasha knocked on the door, she finally had her written apology ready for mr. borr, which he expected her to have much sooner, and after the scene she caused and Armen having to put her in shackles. She was ready to give up.
"Knock,Knock,Knock" she waited for the door to be answered for she didn't want to bust in and get yelled at again.
Originally Posted by
Berty Borr
"I know it's a good idea, my boy. I thought of it, did I not?" ALL of Lord Borr's ideas were GOOD ones. "Go inform Bole of our needs and be sure to let him know about your nomination and personal assistant. Perhaps it will spark a glimmer of responsibility and duty in that giant empty head of his." Lord Borr gave a GIANT heave ho, lost a bit of gas from his bowels, and stood all in one motion. He opened his arms to Armen, the son he never had.
"Get the DOOR, Maintenance Girl! And be quick about it!" Why wasn't she ALREADY getting the door?! Did Lord Borr have to TEACH EVERYONE EVERYTHING ALWAYS?!
"Your assistant should be in your Department, Armen. If you find yourself too busy, send her the monkeys on Level Two to set up the Disposal of Nails Division."
Armen's smirk towards the
servant Maintenance girl polishing the Minister's shoes, picking up his toenail clippings, and then having to answer the door only lasted a few seconds because behind him, the door was being knocked on again. Didn't people understand that the Minister was in an important meeting with him, Armen Recard, the best Department Head in the Ministry of Magic?!
Greingoth was such a terrible doorman.
Turning back to the Minister as the Maintenance worker went to answer the door, he nodded again as the obtuse man spoke about his task of needing to brag to Bole about his new assitant (who had better be hot), his pay raise, the new NailClippings Division, and the very important Order of Merlin nomination presented to himself. He would do those things even if he wasn't asked to.
The large erruption of gas sounded as Borr stood, signalling Armen to do the same. He was then signalled to give the smelly man a hug. Who was Armen to refuse the man had given him so much! He smiled brightly and gave the man a hug, or attempted to since his arms couldn't reach around his great girth.
"Thank you your Lordship!"