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"Cool, I want a big dog, but I don't think they allow them here," he said. He doubted the Headmaster would like a Husky running around the grounds causing havoc. Or, his mom. His mom would be a lot more furious than the Headmaster, and of that, Kennedy was sure of.
Playing a trick? He wouldn't do that and as far as he's seen the snakes, some were grumpy and he didn't want to get in their way. "I-I wouldn't do that," And, he wouldn't want to found out by a snake if he ever did.
He knew she was right. That had been his first thought, but he had ignored it. It was too much like Hufflepuff and he clearly wasn't one. "Pig?" Oh no, he wouldn't dare. "No, no, no," he said, shaking his head, staring at the sleeping Puff. "Last time I called her a Pig," he whispered the word pig. "S-She bit me." He rubbed his finger when it had been bitten. Kennedy didn't want that to happen again.
Victoria gave a weak smile. Heehee...
they don't allow dogs here...echoed again and again in her head...
"Wouldn't do what? Play a trick?" He is a Snake and he wouldn't play a trick?
"You've got to experience some fun once in a while."
Yeah, those were pretty terrible bites. It is hard to believe how a sweet, little innocent creature that's falling asleep on Victoria's shoulder would do such thing.
"Well if Pig doesn't work, maybe you should try naming her something pretty like...Rose or Rosie." suggest Victoria as she looked at the pygme puff's fur.
"Or Lavender, because of her purple fur."