Text Cut: Proffessor
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Gemma smiled as the students started naming what seemed like a neverending list of Wizard dances. As they said each one, she wrote each on the dry erase board in her curvy and curly handwriting. As she wrote each name, the board was charmed to put them in ABC order.
When they had a substantial list, she turned towards the students with a smile. "Great job! I have to admit that I haven't even heard of some of these dances...it might be fun to see if the History of Magic professor or one of the professors that teachers a more Wizard centered class would be willing to teach these to us..." she glanced at the list again, "because some of these some pretty crazy interesting..." she said with a little nod.
She glanced up and down the rows of faces that seemed pretty excited and asked the next question, "Now I know not everyone is going to know the answer to this one, so don't fret or worry if you don't have an answer." she turned towards the board and flipped it over so that a clean dry-erase board was there. "Can anyone name any Muggle dances, such as the Chicken Dance or the Cha-Cha Slide?" she said as she wrote the first two on the board to start off their list of Muggle Dances.
Here we go again...I'm going to give you a little bit of time to share your answers.... Remember NO TALKING, RAISE YOUR HAND, ONLY ONE ANSWER PER PERSON, and DON'T REPEAT OTHERS' ANSWERS.
See you in a few!
Muggle dances? That wouldn't be too hard would it...Naww it would especially since the more well known dances had already been answered. Wait but there was a perfect dance that Ness had thought of she would just have to explain a little. She raised her hand and waited.
"Professor theres the Sakkie-Sakkie." she looked at Profesor waiting for a blank expression.
"Its a sort of slow dance that is danced in partners. It orginated in South Africa" Yep her home place.
"and it is still danced at parties and celebration's there nowadays."And that was her answer hopefully the Proffessor would have liked it.To be honest she had never danced the Sakkie-Sakkie before but she had heard of it and she had seen it on t.v a few times.
Wait. Howcome the Profesor hadn't noticed the monster suits yet. The Proffessor was either becoming blind or was maybe just trying not to humilate Ness and Aaaron, not that Aaron looked humiliated in his suit. Anyway, Nessie preffered it better that the Profesor didn't comment.