Originally Posted by
Berty Borr
"Forgiven! Don't BEG for forgiveness, my boy! Some call that whining and I won't have it in my Ministry. Learn from your mistakes, make LESS mistakes, and move on. The Ministry stops for no man!"
"Don't admit to NEEDING help either! Have I taught you nothing?? Did a toenail get lodged in your brain? I'll be taking my nomination BACK if you keep up with this flip-flopping ridiculousness. You need this assistant so you are spending LESS time with those degenerates in MLE. Lord Borr can TELL they're wearing on you."
The Great Lord Borr bunched up his pants leg in a beefy fist and made to lift his heavy leg from Armen's lap. The task proved too great for Lord Borr and his heel landed heavily back into the Transportation Head's lap with a deep thud. "Little help, Armen. My joints aren't what they used to be!"
Oh crap, he hadn't meant to sound as if he was whining. Armen Recard was no whiner and there was no way he wanted Lord Borr to think that was fact. He was running the most successful department in the Ministry for Merlin's sake.
"Yes Minister, I see that you are right, as usual." he bowed his head. Borr was speaking the truth.
Darn it!! Two things in a row, what was wrong with him? He was trying his best, yet he had messed up twice. Recard NEEDED that Order of Merlin! MLE really was getting to him.
"Again my Lord you are correct, I will be needing my assistant to be spending time with those MLErs, they WILL NOT deteriate at my work ethic, I promise that Minister. They will NOT disrespect you, myself or this Ministry." he said his voice rising with emotion.
And just as his voice was rising with emotion, Lord Borr's heel slammed into his groin, causing all the air to leave his body, and his voice to go up even higher.
"O-of c-course my Lord." he gasped and started to stand, lifting the large man best he could through his immense pain.
Originally Posted by
Melanie quietly knocked on the Minister's door hoping that she wasn't disturbing anything important that he was doing. She knew that the Ministry of Magic was a very busy man and also did not like when mud was mucked up in his office. She quickly wiped her shoes with a handkerchief to wipe off the muck.
"Excuse me. Lord Borr? I'm part of the Maintenance crew and I'm here to help shine your magnificent shoes and do your dry cleaning for you as called upon by my head of office Sir" Melanie said quietly.
Originally Posted by
Berty Borr
"WHO IN THE BLOODY HELL GAVE YOU ACCESS TO MY OFFICE? THIS IS A PRIVATE.... Oh? Shoe-shiner, is it??? WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SO? Come in, stop standing around wasting EVERYONE'S time."
Lord Borr pointed to the ground that was peppered with his toenails. "Collect those. Make sure they are disposed of PROPERLY. In fact, Armen, what do you think of making a MLE Division devoted to taking care of my toenails and lost hairs? Can you IMAGINE if someone used my personals in polyjuice?? UTTER PANDEMONIUM!"
Suddenly the door opened and a woman just waltzed right into the room, as if she was important. People these days...
Armen's pain started to ebb away and he watched the girl being yelled at with a smirk, maybe he would get a shoe shine out of this too. He would have spoken up, further antagonizing the woman along with Borr when he instead turned and spoke to him.
He was unaware of the toe nail that was stuck in a fold of his dress shirt, it was going to hitch then. Borr was right! That would be absolutely terrible.
"My Lord, that sounds like a wonderful idea! They should be used for something useful anyways, something that was worthwhile and helpful to this establishment. You have my support for it if you shall require any help." he nodded, again looking expectantly at the woman. She would start shining Borr's shoes soon he hoped. It was awkward with her just standing there.