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Armen's eyes bulged as the Minister's toe smashed into his face and left a sickly hot spot where it had landed far after it had left. He shouldn't have said some people who followed him, "I'm truely sorry, Lord Borr. You are correct the strain of work has had me make small mistakes in speech here recently, but of course I am working through them for the better of the Ministry."
He was practically running two departements wasn't he? He had been trying to get the MLE into the right shape but they kept resisting. While Recard was shaking his head in agreement to all of the impecably true statements about his greatness as a Department Head, he thought he had imagined the Minister's last comment. "A personal assitant? Oh well thank you very much my Lord, I could really use the help." Armen was beaming, he was moving up, he was.
Then Borr was smiling, geniunely it seemed. Armen had seen the man smile before but this was a warm, almost grandfatherly smile. What was up? And then he dropped the bomb on Armen.
"Order of Merlin? For me sir? Thank you so much for the honor!" Armen's face lit up as he had finished cutting the last toenail. He wouldn't forget this, and it would be awesome if he was actually awarded the honor.
"Forgiven! Don't
BEG for forgiveness, my boy! Some call that
whining and I won't have it in my Ministry. Learn from your mistakes, make
LESS mistakes, and move on. The Ministry stops for no man!"
"Don't admit to
NEEDING help either!
Have I taught you nothing?? Did a toenail get lodged in your brain? I'll be taking my nomination BACK if you keep up with this flip-flopping ridiculousness. You need this assistant so you are spending LESS time with those degenerates in MLE. Lord Borr can TELL they're wearing on you."
The Great Lord Borr bunched up his pants leg in a beefy fist and made to lift his heavy leg from Armen's lap. The task proved too great for Lord Borr and his heel landed heavily back into the Transportation Head's lap with a deep
thud. "Little help, Armen. My joints aren't what they used to be!"
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Melanie quietly knocked on the Minister's door hoping that she wasn't disturbing anything important that he was doing. She knew that the Ministry of Magic was a very busy man and also did not like when mud was mucked up in his office. She quickly wiped her shoes with a handkerchief to wipe off the muck.
"Excuse me. Lord Borr? I'm part of the Maintenance crew and I'm here to help shine your magnificent shoes and do your dry cleaning for you as called upon by my head of office Sir" Melanie said quietly.
Shoe-shiner, is it??? WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SO? Come in, stop standing around wasting
Lord Borr pointed to the ground that was peppered with his toenails. "Collect those. Make sure they are disposed of PROPERLY. In fact, Armen, what do you think of making a MLE Division d
evoted to taking care of my toenails and lost hairs? Can you IMAGINE if someone used my
personals in polyjuice??