Originally Posted by
Magical Soul
Marina nodded. "Going as a group might be really intimidating. So.." She moved to her desk and snatched a parchment, "We have to write down the departments and then divide ourselves into groups." Waitwaitwaitwait...Marina straightened up and looked at her cowrokers, "Er..who is the leader of our committee? Is there any more commissioners about to join us?" If no, they'd start dividing and arranging the work.
Figuring that she could at least write the names of the departments and the people standing here, she picked a quill and started writing, leaning her butt on the table's edge as she faced the group.
Damon had shifted slightly so that the four of them were more in a circle around each other. Circles were always good when discussing plans of action, yes? He listened intently as Marina spoke, tilting his head slightly so he could see what she was writing down on the parchment more easily.
"I think there are one or two more people that we are missing, right?" Damon really needed to learn his fellow Department members' names and how many of them there were. After all their department wasn't that big so there really was no reason to be this uninformed about who all his coworkers were.
"So, from your list Marina it looks like there are seven department heads that we'll need to speak to. We could split into groups of two's and have each group of two go to two department heads, and then one group of two will go to three department heads," Damon offered.
"Who will we need to speak to for the other rooms? Or are those places in the Ministry that we can just post a poster without worrying about getting in trouble?"