Chapter 2: Bump Outside the Library
"OW!" screached Ren'Ai as I accidentally bumped into her. I really didn't mean to. O did I? I'd bottled it. I originally planned to bump into her on purpose then tell her how cute I thought she was. But I bottled it. Right at the last minute. But I bumped into her anyway. I was just too scared to admit how I felt.
"Sorry, Ren'Ai" I said apologetically. She looked at me and smiled slightly. At least I'd apologised, right? "For everything" I added quickly and truthfully. Ren'Ai looked startled. Like she was shocked I was apologising for the cruel jokes I'd played on her. They were funny at the time but after a while the funny part wore off and the guilt kicked in. I swear I could kick myself for all the trauma I put this girl through over the years.
"I'm shocked. You actually know my first name" joked Ren'Ai. But I didn't laugh. It wasn't funny. I wasn't funny. I was mean. And I admitted that free willingly. Yes, I was a jerk. I still am at the best of times. But mostly to the idiots I called my friends back when all of this was happening. I had strong feeling toward Ren'Ai and I was destroying any chances of having a strong relationship with her by playing cruel jokes and pranks on the poor girl. It was like we were singling her out but we weren't. I know now that that's how it appeared to her. My 'friends' were but I certainly wasn't. I was just playing along and I should have stood my ground. And after a while, I did. It was me or they're pathetic pranks and jokes. They chose the pranks and jokes like true Slytherins do. But now, the past has creeped behind them and bit them. And all I can do is laugh because I was big enough to make a change.
"Difficult not to when all your supposed to be friend decide its cool to pick on the Japanese girl" I told her. But I was falling for her. Fast. And I don't think she ever saw that. Not yet, at least. I leant down to help her pick her books up off the floor. I looked straight into her eyes and smiled. She was so pretty. And to this day she still is.
"I guess, after a while, its difficult not to run with the crowd" She broke my random trance. I nodded simply.
"It is extremely difficult. But the guilt kills me. To think over the past four years I've done nothing but torment you. And afterwards I regret it all. I don't have a reason to pick on you" I explained. And that was the cold hard truth.
"So why not try to do something about it?"
"I'm trying. At the end of the day, my life's gonna take a turn for the worst if I don't start changing things in it" I replied truthfully. And I didn't want it to take a turn for the worst. I wanted it to take a turn for the best.
Sorry its short.
- Sammi (:
__________________ I'm gonna swing from the chandelier, from the chandelier;
I'm gonna live like tomorrow doesn't exist I'm gonna fly like a bird through the night, feel my tears as they dry;
I'm gonna swing from the chandelier, from the chandelier |