SPOILER!!: Professors, Tom and Nessie
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Tom looked around at what the other kids were doing and he pursed his lips, his expression became somewhat cynical. How come their snowmen were all so super duper and professional looking? Tom was pretty sure his would consist of two balls of snow with coal for eyes and a carrot nose. And the blaady fing wasn't getting his scarf! His snowman would be a messier version of the traditional kind of snowman you got on Christmas cards.
The thought made him frown. He couldn't do much magic, he could barely read and write, and now he couldn't even build a decent snowman. Thomas's self-esteem was getting lower and lower with each passing day.
Hearing his name, he turned towards where the voice had come from to see Professor Roslund who was with the Charms professor. He looked back at the firstie and shrugged, “Workin' wiff a couple of profesahs 'as to give us an advantage.” He gave her a small smirkish smile and wandered over to the two adults, expecting her to come too.
“'Ello, Professah.” He greeted the friendly Astronomy professor. “Professah Schrimer.” he also greeted the Charm's professor. He rubbed his gloved hands together to try and warm them, although it was a pointless exercise seeing as he was going to be sticking them into the snow any minute.
“Wot can I do?” he asked the two.
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Brrrrr. It really was cold and Ness couldn't help but shiver as she walked around the school grounds. She had her warm Huffie scarf on, her cozzy pair of gloves on and her school robes over three jerseys just so she wouldn't freeze to death. As she walked in the cold she noticed a whole bunch of students buliding snowmen..or at least thats what it looked like. She neared the snowmen group and looked at all the different sorts of snowmen, but she didn't think they looked like snowmen at all she thought they looked more like snow sculptures especially the unicorn one . Either way playing with snow was fun right?
Ness looked around trying to spot someone to join, she spotted a few people she knew like Alyssa and her arch enemy Rose but they both seemed to be almost done. She continued looking and stopped when she recognised a familiar face. It was the boy with the heavy accent from Lafay's class and from the ferrist wheel. He seemed to be in a good group of snow builders he had two Professors and a firstbie.
She walked over to them all with a grin on her face. "Hello..um.." and she went blank she couldn't remember the boy's name. "Tim right?" Nope it couldn't be it she was sure she was close. "Err I mean Tommy..um Tom" she said trying to correct herself as she felt her cheeks going red. She was definitely a proffesional at embarassing herself. Trying to ignore her embarassing moment she continued with her greetings. "Hello Professors and hello to..you too." She said looking at the firstbie as she didn't know the firstbie's name. "May I join you all?"
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Nordic Witch
Grinning at Thea he said enthused "Building a snowman is a tradition in my family and its fun!" Forming a ball with snow he started to pack more snow on it as he sculpted it. He worked methodically and hard for several minutes before explaining what Thea needed to do. "You scoop up snow, pack it on my ball here or start on a new one. We need at least three good sized snowballs to make our snowman and then we worry about the nose, eyes, mouth and clothes for him/her. All right?" Eddie felt small sweat beads form on his fore-head but he didn't care since he was a man on a snowman building mission!
Hearing Alyssa announce his and Althea's arrival to the rest of the student's he stopped to waved her over. "Hi Alyssa, do you want to help us build a snowman or do you already have a snowman building partner?" If she already had a partner then Eddie wasn't going to steal her away from them but if not then she was more than welcome to join them.
As the snowball grew bigger and bigger Eddie took time to look and appreciate the student's efforts. Some were really talented and were actually forming creatures with the snow rather than the traditional snowman. Hopefully the guest judge whomever he was would appreciate the student's creativity and hard work. Seeing Tom Broodmoor whom he had met at the beginning of the year in his office off to the side he called out "Hey Tom! Want to help me and Professor Schrimer build a snowman?" Noticing that he was talking to a Ravenclaw girl (witchlight27) he added "Your friend is also welcome to join of course if she want's to?"
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Tom had begun compacting the snow together to make a ball which would do for part of the snowman's body or head. He rolled it around in the snow to make it bigger, aware that his fingers were now numb like ice, but he ignored it.
He looked up when he heard a voice to see a younger Hufflepuff girl he recognised from the ferris wheel on Diagon Alley. Tim? Thomas frowned about to bluntly ask who the 'ell Tim woz, when the girl corrected herself. Tommy? NO! ..Tom, yeah. That's right. “Yeah.. Um.. Nessie innit?”
The frown left his face. She wanted to help? He gave her a small smile and nodded. “If yer wan'. More the merriah.”
"That would be great!" said Erin to the guy she approached about the Professors joining them. She smiled at them and bowed. And then a girl came in named Nessie as she heard and she also heard the guy's name was Tom.
"Hello Nessie. Hello Tom. Hello Professor Schirmer and Professor Roslund. And by the way I'm Erin, first year," said Erin addressing the professors as well.
Erin helped Tom and the others build the snowman that would probably beat the others. She noticed others are on their final part of the design whereas they were only starting. She grabbed two stones from the ground and put it at the head part of the snowman for its eyes.