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Selina knew her head that Kurumi did not trust Adam either, but when it came to affairs of the heart the heart was sacred. It doesn't know right from wrong, good from bad; it only feels. It wants and it wants what it wants because it doesn't know any better. The heart may not always be right, but at least it was honest. And Selina was not sure if Kurumi, at the moment, was on the same wave length with her heart and her head, "I know you don't. I just wanna keep an eye on things..."
Then Kurumi said something that made Selina blush. Had she said that out loud? She had not meant to say that. It was a mental note that she had made that she could have never have dreamed of verbalizing. She was still trying to figure that whole situation out and honestly Selina did not now how she felt. It was all really confusing. She was thirteen for Merlin's sake, well thirteen for a few more months. She scratched the back of her head and laughed dryly, "W-what are you talking about, psh... psh that's crazy talk. I didn't say that... the words that I said, psh. What is this nonsense that you.... psh. I mean you said and then I replied and there were words that came out and you know... stuff. Psh... erm, I don't know what you are talking about."
Kurumi nudged Selina playfully. "
I'm glad I have you looking out for me," she said with a smile. If only one of them was a guy, her and Selina would make the perfect couple. Bromances had nothing on them. Nothing. What were they? A Sistance? That sounded like some sort of dreaded disease. She would have to come up with a better name.
Kurumi straightened her legs and eyed the third year. Yeah, Selina was about as good a liar as she was at brewing potions. "
Selina," she said firmly. Nothing more really needed to be said on the matter, right? Selina knew what Kurumi was implying.