Tasks and To-Do's! Apparition:
As many of you have seen and heard around the Ministry, Armen has been working inside the Cult and one of his biggest actions on the front within the Ministry has been to revoke all of the MLE department employees' Apparition licenses. Now we are going through the massive retesting procedure.
Written Exmainer: Jenn, I have posted the Written Exam questionaire in the MLE Task Board thread and they are taking it and their results are being sent to me since I am a Mod. But once I grade them I will send them to you and you can pm them letting them know when to come on down and begin rping with us.
Practical Examiners: Jess, Jenn will be helping us out with testing the MLE'rs and with the new placement we gained another tester, Faith (Mordaynes. She is going to be there but mainly watching and assiting in the beginning but then will be able to test people herself once she see's how we will do it.
I am going to be pming the three of you all with more information within the next few days!
License Issuer and Records Liaison: You guys will need to be sure you are posting your charries sitting and work around the desk here greeting the MLE'ers as they come for the assigned testing time and then directing them to a free tester. The license issuers will then rp giving them their badge and the record liasons will have them fill out a form with the info requested off in the first post in this thread.
Broom Regulatory:
The majority of these tasks are still in the planning works. I am currently speaking with Kay (
demented_death_eater) the Dept. of Magical Games and Sports and
Dee-Dee the Shopkeeper of Quality Quidditch Supplies about what exactly is happening. I will be updating this again once I have exacts.
Broom Comp./Shops Liason: Speaking with Shopkeeper about something wrong with broom (still in process).
Broom Features Workers: Think of at least 3 total new features and then test them if you can indoors. Please report to Armen for further instuctions.
Brooming Games Liason: Speaking with Kay at the moment.
Floo Network:
Floo networks will need to be checked out. I will be pming you all exactly what there will be needed to rp this 'checking out' very soon.
All Floo network employees will be going out into the field this time and checking each of the floo connections marked UNCHECKED in this thread. When you look and decide which one you want to rp your charrie at, just pm me or vm me and I will speak to the member who that Floo belongs to and give them a warning so they can interact and rp with you! 
Porkeys: Muggle Item researchers: Rp your character in any threads in the Outside of the Ministry forum and have them discover at least 3 different muggle items per charrie and bring them back to the Porkey Manufacturers.
Porkey Manufacturers: Create the Portkeys from the Muggle Items the researchers bring you using the Portus spell that requires a slow, sweeping motion over the entire object and ends with a sharp tap of the wand. But first, while you wait for them, you will be creating 8 portkeys for the employees of the Dept. of Environmental Protection from the stalk of already picked Muggle items. (make them up
) An employee from level 4 will be there to pick them up soonish so start ASAP.
Delivery/Retrival: Await for individual pms and situations. I will be sending each of you prompted pms describing a delivery or retrival rp request and we will rp together.