Wolfy | 1 of 4 Amigos! | ♥ Badger! | Slytherpuff | S. Snape Lover ♥ | Lil' Pup
Amethyst walked up to the memory board, parchment and tack in hand. Getting on her tip toes, she stretched up and posted the piece of parchment. The parchment was yellow. Written nice and slightly neatly in black, it read the following: Hufflepuff Hufflepuff. One simple word, many means. The word Hufflepuff comes in all shapes and sizes. Hufflepuff. We are thought to be clueless, pushovers, and even stupid. We are a lot better than what some think of us.
Brave. Patient. Hard-working. Kind. There for each other. Wonderful finders. We aren't perfect, but we are perfectly fair. We help others in their time of need, and though sometimes we don't do everything right, we'll quickly correct ourselves and know how to do it properly next time.
We are represented by the badger. Sure, We don't have fangs and slightly scared people. Sure, we aren't the wisest bunch of all with wings to fly. And Sure, we aren't the king of the jungle. But we are Badgers. We know how to get the job done and help others, and actually feel good about it.
Let's show the Snakes, Eagles, and Lions that Badgers know how to win the House Cup. And we know how to do it fairly, and honestly. We don't need tricks! Just our hard-working selves, friendship, and teamwork!
__________________ I'll miss my breath; there's no more left. ⚓.⚓.⚓______________________________I'll miss the sound of the wind up my back. ⚓.⚓.⚓___________The Depths have a number, they call you by name; fall asleep.
Davy Jones calls you, so fall asleep and dream. |