Anyone? ^_^ Yeahhh, Mr White! Yeah science! Tom had never, in all his life, seen anything like the snow that covered Hogwarts. Sure, they had the occasional thin dusting of snow in London, but that was always soiled and black within an hour or two. The snow around Hogwarts was pure and, Tom thought, beautiful. He thought it was a real shame to walk on it and ruin it with his clumsy footprints as he made his way to the area that had been allocated for this competition.
He pulled his hat further down over his short hair, hugged his thin scarf tighter around his neck, and shivered. He was sure London was never quite this cold. His woollen gloves were worn and threadbare, but that didn't stop the fourteen year old from wanting to join in the fun. Everything at Hogwarts seemed so innocent compared to what the kids got up to back home.. and Thomas liked that. He felt the age he was supposed to be.
He took to the sidelines, too self conscious to ask anyone if they needed help, and retrieved his small sketchbook from his back pocket. He began to sketch a picture of a small girl engrossed in her snowman building.
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