Thread: The Hourglasses
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Old 10-07-2011, 06:46 AM   #32 (permalink)
Formerly: Mandana
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Zach Clarkson
Fourth Year
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Originally Posted by SilverTiger View Post
Once again, it seemed like Matt either wasn't willing to actually respond to what she'd said, or she was confusing him all over again. Either way, it was starting to confuse Stella herself, and that just made her feel even more awkward, and the fact that he'd actually frowned bothered her even more. She hadn't thought she'd said anything that should have resulted in that. She shrugged again at his question, though. "Well, you wouldn't have felt obligated to take the potion if it wasn't for me. And then I also hadn't given you an answer about other things, which makes me feel worse about making you take the potion for me," she tried to explain, feeling like even that really wasn't adequate for the situation. Either that, or she wasn't being as eloquent as usual. Something was off, that's all she knew for sure, even though she was relieved they were talking again. Even though she'd been the one to ask for time. Her eyes widened as he spoke again, however, not really expecting the question or knowing exactly how to answer and not feel like an idiot. "Um, the potion?," she responded, trying desperately not to blush as she realized how close things were to getting really strange. "Plus, I don't think you would have asked me on a date if you didn't like me." That shouldn't have been so hard to say, seeing as she'd already sort of mentioned it before, but it was. She still hadn't really gotten to the scary part of the potion response, either, but they didn't need that right now.

The random debate about his choice in accessories was a good distraction, at least, and his statement got another faint grin from her. "I wasn't aware you were a legilimens," she replied in amusement. He was the one who was trying to say he knew what she'd been thinking, after all. She wasn't about to admit that there had been the tiniest thought that the bracelet was almost Ravenclaw colors. She hadn't said it before, so she didn't have to now. And her grin grew a little as it seemed like he was starting to settle in for an involved debate, even as she idly twisted her fingers through the chain of her necklace. Only to laugh as he asked yet another question. "It's a distraction?," she offered. "I don't know why we need to justify random discussions, but I think that's the best I can offer right now." And at least she hadn't reverted to French again.
It pretty much seemed like everything that wanted to be said about what happened with the whole hate potion situation had been said which was perfectly fine with Matt since it gave him the chance to consider really where to go from here since that really was something that had been frustrating, from his perspective it seemed as though that there was no question about at least going back to be friends for the time being since he wasn't expecting her to just forget everything that happened so they could go out on a date. "Well, I never actually felt obligated to take the potion for you since it was more like I was willing to help but you know what? Let's just stop talking about this because honestly all we're going to do is make things incredibly awkward between us which really is not something I'd like to have to deal with." He just wanted to try to move past all this and still have Stella in his life one way or another, but he wasn't about to exactly go back to the earlier topics since he hadn't felt the need to start repeating things that had already been discussed and solved. Wait.. was she blushing? Well maybe not entirely but he swore he saw a slight pink tinge on her cheeks which was pretty cute. "Oh right.. that is true and even though I happened to ask at one of the strangest times, the offer still remains for you to consider." Obviously he wasn't about to take that back since that would be pretty much one of the stupidest things he had ever done.

This whole debate, discussion.. whatever you wanted to call it had been hilarious since it was over one of the most ridiculous topics he ever discussed but at least it took the tension away from the earlier conversation which was perfectly fine with him. "Nah, I was just playing around. Even though being a legilimens would be pretty interesting." At least that was his opinion which might have been a little weird but it was all amusing in the end. Before he could speak, he considered the point that she just brought up; it was quite brilliant but again that wasn't surprising since she was one of the smartest people that he knew at least at Hogwarts. "Well we don't have to, I mean it's pretty unnecessary to try to justify something that is rather strange." Well it wasn't strange per say, it was more random.
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