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Rubiey flushed again under the girls bright smile. "It was very interesting, I like to be aware of the history of the stuff I'm writing about, you know? I'm a bit of a geek that way." She admitted with a small laugh. "Well I'm not Vashti Greenwell." She said with a chuckle. "I'm Rubiey, Rubiey O'Rielly." She said with a light smile. "What about you?" She asked the Claw. It was always good to meet new people, yup.
Louisa chuckled along, this girl was nice - very nice and polite, that flushing face proved it. Yay for being accepted by Louisa that fast, it was a very good thing these days, hehe. "
Yeah. I'm a typical Ravvie, so I totally agree with you on that one." Beam.
I didn't think you were her, I just thought you were her si-" What did she say her name was again? O_________________________o
Rubiey. Adam's Rubiey? Please no, pleeeeease no. Louisa didn't want to hate another nice girl, Ellie was enough. "
I'm sorry but.. do you know someone by the name of Adam?" ARE YOU THAT FRIENDS-STEALING OH-SO-LUCKY GIRLFRIEND? Louisa's face was blank as she added, "
I'm Louisa Carter." But that wasn't important now... this girl's identity and probably life were at stake.