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Selena glared at the girl, standing up and dusted off herself as well as her purple puffball. She rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at the mean evil girl. "No, you do, I knoooow where I'm going, it appears that you can't look down to see who's there," she said, snuggling her pygmy puff. Kent didn't look too happy about being on the ground. Selena picked up a small dust ball and flicked it in a random direction - at the taller, horribly evil girl.
"It's none of your business, it's like asking why do you always walk around and breathe air other breathe, doesn't it dirty the air the rest of us breathe?" Selena asked in a semi-serious voice. Because really, Sel ought to leave so she didn't breathe contaminated air. "And, Kent likes being with me and I like Kent, why don't you ever have anyone with you?" Selena asked, tilting her head to a side.
because she didn't have any friends? hmph.
Look down? Hah.
"You're right, I should probably look down at others more often, that way I know I'm more surperior to them." Jade answered, crossing her arms. Oh yeah, what now, weird girl? She watched as S..s...whatever, -picked up the pink fluff ball and flicked a dust ball thing at her. She rolled her eyes and blew the dust ball away from her. Gross.
Sharol, Sherlock, Shelly, -whatever her name was-, was...insulting her, right? She wasn't totally sure but she had a hint that she was. ...Right?
"Why do you insult people, weird girl? Is it because you're so bored with that fluff ball of yours that you have nothing else to do? Or you have to hang around Nikolas all the time to fufill that boredness of yours?" She said, knowing that it hurt herself about the whole thing with Nikolas. It bothered her, a lot, but she would never admit it-to anyone.
"And I have my own friends, I just like the peace and quiet sometimes. Anyways, I'd rather not be bothered by strange people like you all the time anyhow." Jade responded. Why was she even continuing on with this conversation? This was ridiculously boring.