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Destiny WHAT!?
Destiny did NOT want warm butterbeer and pumpkin pie. If it was those things she wanted, she would have mentioned that to begin with. No, what she wanted chocolate and she was going to get it. What was Marie going to do, hold her hand when they made it to the counter to make sure she didn't get any? Well, if that was the case, Marie would be in for a very big surprise.
Because Destiny's hands were sitting in her matching giraffe gloves all day, and they were now super sweaty. She wouldn't be able to hold her hand for long until she became disgusted.
Adjusting her giraffe hat once more, she allowed her friend to link their arms, and not paying any attention to where they were going, she was upset after all!, she didn't realize they had walked into the Hog's Head until.. they walked into it.
"Marie! Where have you taken me!?"
Marie had full intentions of leading them to the Three Broomsticks, that is until she seen her boyfriend enter the Hogs Head. Changing directions just a little she lead Destiny into the Hogs Head too.
"Where's it look like I took you?" A place that was sure to NOT have any chocolate.
"To the party place apparently."
Looking around she immediately seen some of her friends, her boyfriend and... ughh, what was cousin
IT doing with them? She knew there was no way Mina was friends with her and did Mia even know her? With her arm still looped with Destiny's she went over to where everyone was. Standing next to Matty she slipped an arm around him and gave him a little kiss on the cheek... but still held on to Destiny.
She then looked over at the girls.
"Having a party without us?" She then focused her attention mostly on Mina giving her an
'Are you alright?' look. If Marilyn was trying to start ANY trouble at all Marie wouldn't hesitate to hex her, or better yet, break her nose.