10-03-2011, 03:09 AM
#92 (permalink)
 DMT Mountain Troll
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 23,573
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Originally Posted by Tazenhani Maybe he would have been able to keep going if Damien wasn't so gleeful. Fact was, it was irritating on all patience he had. Sure, he would defend the man against another that imposed on their business, on their relationship, hell he would give his life to Damien, but that didn't mean he had to agree to everything that came out of the man's mouth. "You really think I'm sulking because you're 'punishing' me?" His hands stopped and he gave the man a flat look. "I tried to talk to you like a normal human being, but you wouldn't hear me. You told me to save my emotions when we last talked here. But what did you do? You came here to fret and worry and then you ran to Gemini, instantly. You did what you told me not to, and let your emotions dictate your actions. I tried to tell you I needed to talk, but you told me to save it. Then, when you allowed me, you shoved my words back down my throat."
Okay, so maybe it did sound like he was sulking, but it wasn't really the way he saw things. Not from where he stood. "I don't care what punishment you give me for 'breaking the rules'. Do whatever the hell you want. I care that you didn't bother to listen. That you were, are, too consumed in your own internal state to give a damn about listening to anyone else." A momentary pause. "As am I."
The truth. As he saw it. They were more alike than he cared to admit. Damien listened silently and smirked still. "You are telling me that my going to my wife to make sure she is safe... is the same as you blabbing your mouth to who knows WHO all about private LAW ENFORCEMENT business?" Just to make sure he was getting that right.
"You DO have to keep your emotions out of the job. If the job directly involves people you love then it is hard. I should know better than most that point. Do not try to prove a point with me, Sabel Dakest because I wish you could have... oh wait I can let you hear the way that sounded," Damien said as he dug in his waistcoat pocket for his watch. It was the pocketwatch he always carried, yes... but he had never actually USED it in front of anyone other than Evander.
Flipping it open he then turned the little dial on top and then pressed the button in. In Sabel;'s SULKY tone the exact words were repeated out of the watch: "You really think I'm sulking because you're 'punishing' me?"[b] "I tried to talk to you like a normal human being, but you wouldn't hear me. You told me to save my emotions when we last talked here. But what did you do? You came here to fret and worry and then you ran to Gemini, instantly. You did what you told me not to, and let your emotions dictate your actions. I tried to tell you I needed to talk, but you told me to save it. Then, when you allowed me, you shoved my words back down my throat."
Yeeeep it sounded like sulking to him. "You seriously sound like a twelve year old, Sabel. Come on. I told you at that point there was no time for all of that. I cannot tell her. I am bound by the laws that I have sworn to uphold. It's just the way it is. Now, yes, I will indeed do my damndest to protect my wife and child and you can say that is my emotions dictating my actions all you please, but it's all I CAN do. Don't you get it? Protect those you care about, yes, but telling them secrets is just putting them in harm's way." He then flipped the watch shut and shoved it back into his pocket. |
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