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Armen could never believe her could he? He was constantly telling her this, and it really kind of hurt. After a year he still didn't trust her? Really? "You can never believe me." She mused quietly, still staring at him. She wasn't going to let him win this argument, because he was not being fair at all. "Every time I tell you that I do not like the cult, you just go on about how our views are different, and that the cult is for the greater good of our world. I don't ever feel that I can talk to you about it! To tell you that I'm scared about it" Part of her didn't think she could talk to him at all.
What. "Excuse me?" Isobel was truely shocked. He wanted her to step down from her job. Was he serious? She stepped closer to him, clearly looking angry now. "I don't see you offering to step down from your job for us." Yeah. We can see right through you Armen Recard. "Being an auror is my life. You've been with me a year. You should know that by now." She loved her job more than anything. "I won't step down for anything." That might have seemed selfish, and a bit harsh, but Isobel didn't see Armen being willing to give up anything for them. "I'm sorry Armen, but I just cannot."
He never could believe her? That wasn't his fault. She was the one that was always giving him reasons not to. She never believed in his ideals for a better world for Wizarding kind and she always questioned his ethics in the ways he did things. And now he was simply asking her to stop her job, working for the goons that were keeping the Cult from fully taking control.
And even this was blowing up.
"Merlin, Isobel! Why do you have to be so difficult?! Can't you see I'm at least trying to come up with solutions to fix us?" he practically shouted towards her.
"You don't see me going and shacking up with other Cultists in pubs and whining to them about how 'bad I have things 'cause my girlfriend's in the bloody MLE'!"