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Emma Malfoy dressed in a sweet blue dress walked into the Room of Requirement. She was running a tad bit late. Five minutes late. The blonde hadn't realized that she had spent more time than she expected talking with Selena and Nikolas in the Common Room. She was late! Late, oh late! For a very important date.
Now, with the adorable letter in her hand that her boyfriend had left for her, she walked slowly towards the illuminated room that had transformed into a Muggle movie theatre. She chuckled. Figures. Braeden, after all, was interested in directing and it reminded her of an earlier conversation that she had had with him two years ago when they first met or perhaps it was the second time they met? Emma Malfoy had lost count. But, nevertheless, Emma thought the whole idea was wonderful. A movie date! The She-Snake wondered what movie they would be watching. Braeden was the movie expert, so the blonde trusted his choice for whatever movie he had picked because Emma was a pureblood and she hadn’t really watched any famous muggle movies.
The blonde searched the room. Her brown eyes scanning around the room, searching for his adorkable smile that always gave her goose bumps and made her legs feel like jello. And then her eyes saw his tall figure. She hadn't seen him in
a long time, it had felt like centuries.
Had he grown taller? AGAIN? Merlin. Boys never stop growing do they? A smile grew on her lips, growing wider and wider, as she skipped
walked towards him. Her brown eyes sparkled with joy.
Braeden!” she cried, wearing a pleasant smile on her face as she waved across the room to him. She couldn’t hide her joy any longer. In a matter of a few seconds the blonde hugged him tightly, yet not to tight, and kissed his lips, passionately. This was amazing.
Braeden had finally managed to turn the dim lights of the theater on when, suddenly, a glowing silhouette stepped into the room. Squinting his brown eyes at the sudden burst of light, Brae stared until his eyes adjusted and he was able to make out the features and figure of the newcomer - it was Emma! At this realization, the dork's lips curved into a smile and his teeth came to sight as that smile widened to a grin.
It had been YEARS since he'd last seen Emma!
Well, not literally, but it certainly
felt like it had been centuries ago that he'd last seen her. How could this be?! How had he allowed school and exams and overall busyness to keep him away from this beautiful girl?! Oh, what he'd been missing out on…
Grinning like a big, happy doof, the boy wrapped his lanky arms around the girl that was hugging him tightly at that moment. He gently lifted her a couple feet off the floor, returning her kiss with more enthusiasm than usual. He couldn't help it, though, he hadn't seen her in a while and couldn't help but crave her sweet lips.
After a moment of just hugging and kissing like the lovestruck
fools kids they were, Braeden finally released his girlfriend. He couldn't stop smiling, completely unaware of how crazy he looked at that moment, not just because his enormous smile was borderline psychotic-looking, but his hair was sticking out in all directions. He'd been so horribly busy during the summer and the beginning of this term, that he hadn't cut his hair in a while, so it was starting to get a bit long and messy; his chin and jawline were lightly covered in scruff as well, just adding on to the boy's disheveled, lion-like look.
This is what happens when he doesn't have his girlfriend around often enough to keep his appearance in check.
"Em!" the Gryffindork breathed after a good few long moments of just staring at the blonde before him. "You got shorter!"
Of course Brae would be too dull to realize that Emma hadn't grown shorter, but rather HE had grown taller.