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Sarah laughed, "I hope they let us go farther. And higher. I'll bet there's a great view from way up there!"
She looked up at the sky with child-like curiosity as she made her way to the second broom. Heights. She had never been afraid of heights. Her only phobia was of certain types of bugs. Blegh, hairy and slimy. Ick. Heights, on the other hand, were fun. Seeing everything from a bird's eye view. All small and pretty. It really brought a new meaning to the phrase 'Head in the clouds'.
She climbed onto the broom and grinned, "Let's see how well these work, eh?" she asked amiably, before kicking off slightly clumsily.
Amethyst smiled and kicked off after her, making sure she didn't fall of the broom already. After making sure she didn't Ame shot into the air fast. She enjoyed the feeling of her hair blowing in the wind. And suddenly, a loud hooting came about. A black figure was hiding behind the clouds.