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Isobel needed some fresh air. She'd come into work early this morning, and had been working for a good few hours now. So she was going to head out, and have a little wandered around diagon alley, before coming back into level 2. She wasn't really paying attention to where she was going, not until she got the foyer area anyway. That was when she looked up, noticing that someone was there.
Ooh. "Hello..." Isobel smiled, as she stopped by the woman. She looked a little lost, which wasn't really the best thing up here. "Are you okay?"
Oh, thank goodness someone had appeared. Esme had begun to wonder if she'd have to go back downstairs to ask how to get to the waiting room. How embarrassing that would have been?
"Hello." She greeted the woman with a grateful smile. "I will be as soon as I can find the reception area and waiting room. I was just hired recently, and there's supposed to be an orientation of some sort to be held?"