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By far Caroline's favorite place in Hogsmeade. In the two months that she had been back at Hogwarts she had managed to go though almost all of the candy that she had bought with her. Of course she ended up sending half of it back to Asher, her little brother. And her and Emma had eaten so much of it the first night that they were back that she had been hiding it from herself even. Which wasn't good considering all that had been going on plus her being candy deprived.
Yep she needed some candy. And who better else to meet at Honeydukes? Why Miss Selena Zabini-Riddle, of course. They had pretty much planned this trip to Honeydukes since she had found out that Selena was coming back to Hogwarts. She walked into the candy shop. Yep this place was like heaven to her. She walked by the sugar quills and giggled. Remembering the last time she was here. She turned back to the door and eyed it. Where was that short little Slytherin at?
Selena was happy. Yes. Happy. With her purple pygmy puff on her bag, and a big smile on her face, she skipped down to Honeydukes where she would be meeting Caroline. Which would be totally awesome, because everyone knew that the
best part about Hogsmeade was Honeydukes... that was where all the sugar and candy was, ergo, the best place in the entire village.
Her brown hair was flying around a bit as she skipped. Arriving in front of the shop, she saw the familiar blonde hair that did
not belong to her bestie... but to Caroline Scott- the girl she shared pasta and drawn on mustaches with. Speaking of mustaches... Selena kinda wanted to draw a new one... preferably a green one... or a rainbow one! which would be... so... GETTING OFF TOPIC.
Selena stopped skipping and flew towards her friend, metaphorically speaking that is, she couldn't fly.
"CAROLINE!!" Selena exclaimed, beaming, arms out, Kent appeared frazzled in a pygmy puff way, but Selena was completely oblivious... because sugar raid was
oooonnnn. Now.