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Syd (: Dallin was avoiding the common room. He needed some time to think about stuff, away from people and loud noise. The Great Hall was a good place for him, then, because it wasn't too full. And there was food, which was good too.
As he made his way to the Ravenclaw table, something caught his eye and he stopped dead in his tracks. Louisa. Why was she here? Of all places, why did she have to be here when Dallin wanted to spend some time thinking without inturruption?
Still staring at her back, Dallin started walking toward the table again. He had planned on sitting as far away from her as possible. His feet, though, had other ideas. They walked him right up next to her. And once he was there he realized maybe it would be a good idea to talk to her.
"A love potion?" he asked, speaking in a surprisingly normal tone. He folded his arms and raised his eyebrows at Louisa.
Staring down at her lap her eyes stung with tears from yawning too much she had heard a voice - a very familiar and pleasant one too. And it was talking to her, unless someone in this Great Hall had had a love potion stuffed in the folds of their bed's curtains. What was going on? Did her guilt surface from the subconscious of her mind and was now driving her crazy, mad and insane for lying and being horrible to both of her friends?
She didn't lift her head from the table's edge until she caught something by the corner of her eye. Someone was standing close enough that he'd be looking at her.
Suddenly her heart fell, her breathing stopped and her head tilted to the side to see the boy's face looking down at her. His arched eyebrows, surprising voice tone and folding arms suggested that he was shocked rather than mad or angry.
That didn't feel good. At all. For some reason she wanted him to be mad, he had the right to! He should shout, hex or even punch the left niceness out of her head! He should do it! It might make it easier on her than facing a surprised, nice version of him. That one always managed to turn on her butterflies which expressed a whole different emotion by now.
My gosh.." She whispered, lifting her head at last and shifting on the bench to face him. It was inevitable she couldn't just run or ignore him. "
I'm so so so sorry. I know it doesn't mean a thing to you." Her eyebrows were lifted a bit and with her eyes, they added the pleading feature to her young face. "
I don't know what to say, I was awful, I did horrible things to you and I am really sorry. I didn't know. I was so silly I guess.." Gulp. "
..Ellie was right. I was a lovestruck silly girl." It hurt a lot to say that.
It brought her feelings, fancies and diary entries to shame. Those words turned them into a bad thing that felt so good. She did not even know whether she believed that comment of Ellie or not, but she was going to say it.
It was one last thing she was to do for him.