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Old 09-25-2011, 05:53 AM   #44 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by itsgisselx3 View Post
Not gonna lie, didn't expect that lol
Great chapter though! xD I'm glad Stephen is okay
Can't wait for moar!
I'm glad you like.
Originally Posted by Nimmiii View Post
OMG I THOUGHT HE WAS GONNA DIE!!!! DON'T DO THAT TO MEH, LULU! You almost gave me a heart attack!

BUT. I'm glad little Stephie is alive and well. Stupid Davies What happened to him?
I can't let Stephen die or else it would be the end of the story! asdfghjkl
I updated just for you since you want to be mean about my writer's block

I highly apologize for my short writer's block of almost two weeks lol.

Chapter 11: Finally a Break

“Are you ready, Stephen?” Adriana called out from downstairs. Stephen had finished tying his shoes and putting on his gray blazer. It has been almost a month after the incident at the fashion show. Adriana and Giovanni wouldn’t let Peter get away with almost killing their son. So today was Peter’s trial. Stephen finally joined his parents downstairs and apparated with them to the Ministry of Magic. It was busy as usual. Small stands with Daily Prophets stood in different corners with their vendors. People hurried either to work or the floo network to finish their jobs. Stephen followed closely behind his parents and walked into the elevators.

“Department of Magical Law Enforcement,” a voice came from within the elevator. The Fanellis headed out and walked towards the department court rooms. Though he had never been here before, the court room seemed so much ore scary and depressing than what Stephen had thought.

“Stephen Fanelli?” a woman in a black cloak asked, holding up a long piece of parchment. Stephen arched an eyebrow, but nodded either way. “Good. You’re just in time dear. Your family may sit along the benches. You have to sit in the center until the trial begins,” she smiled, walking away to her post on the upper benches.

“Remember, be completely honest and everything’s going to be alright,” Adriana said, hugging him and walking over to sit next to Lexi, who the monster hadn’t noticed was there before.

“Good luck,” Giovanni said, patting Stephen on the shoulder ad sitting next to his wife.

“Mr. Fanelli, you may take a seat, we’re about to begin,” the woman from before gestured to the empty chair in the center of the room. Nervously walking to it, Stephen sat down, tapping his fingers on the armrests. From the corner of his eye, he could see Peter sitting with, who he thought was his father, looking rather mad. Well, no one sent him to curse his friend that night, or anyone for that matter.

“We are gathered today for the trial of Peter Davies. He has been charged for misuse of spells and charms on Muggleborns, Halfbloods and muggles. We will have his side of the story in a moment, but first we will speak with a witness,” the judge spoke, taking out a beige folder. “First witness is:”

Stephen Roger Fanelli
Resident at 45 Rosewood Street, Terni, Italy
"Now, please tell us what happened the night Peter Davies and you dueled,”

“It was at a fashion show my mother’s boss was attending. She invited the entire family as friends. No one had seen Mr. Davies until he was on the runway and knew he would probably start trouble if he saw me. Someone had told me my mother wanted her makeup supplies, so I went to get them. Mr. Davies was there, apparently waiting for me. I told my friends to leave and that’s when we began to duel,” Stephen answered, trying to remember even the smallest details of that night.

“It says here that he tried to curse Alexis De Luca, but you had jumped in the way. Why?” one of the jurors asked.

“Because she’s like my sister, like family. We’ve been friends for years and I would always protect her no matter what. I’m sure she would do the same for me,” Stephen smirked, turning his head to Lexi who mouthed ‘I love you’.

“Your record says that you were once arrested with Mr. Davies and Ms. Way. Same reasons?”

“He called me a mudblood that day. I’m not sure what he has against muggleborns, but I obviously didn’t like it very much,”

“Nor do we, thank you, Mr. Fanelli,”
The judge gestured him to sit at then benches. The monster did as instructed and felt Lexi slide towards his left side as he sat down. Kat suddenly appeared to his right, leaning forward on her knees. He didn’t question it, but glad she was there. The judge now signaled for Peter to sit in the chair. Out of nowhere, Kat began to making hissing sounds, like snakes.

“Kat, what are you doing?!” Stephen whispered to her.

“Speaking parseltongue. He’s evil so he should be able to understand it!” She answered, continuing her hissing sounds.

“Kat, stop, just stop,” he poked her, which actually managed to make Kat quiet. Lexi moved closer, trying to hide her laughs from the way Kat was acting. As Peter took his seat, his was offered a glass of water, which he gladly accepted.

“Why do they offer him water and not you?” Lexi asked, eyeing the boy who finished half the glass.

“Dunno, but I’m pretty sure that isn’t an ordinary glass of water,” Stephen said, leaning forward on his knees.

Peter Charles Davies
Resident at 398 Shanta Street, London, England.
On trial for misusage of magic on Muggles, Muggleborns and half-bloods.
“So Mr. Davies, would you tell us why is it that you dislike anyone who isn’t a pureblood?” the judge asked.

“I believe that they’re all disgusting people who shouldn’t be allowed to walk the same space as purebloods. It’s one of the main reasons I dislike Stephen so much. He’s just not as skilled or smart as purebloods are,” Peter answered, seeming very proud of his answer. The monster just rolled his eyes and sighed. He had a gut feeling this trial wasn’t going to last much longer.

“Very well. Is it also true that you were going to attack half-blooded Alexis De Luca when Mr. Fanelli stepped in front of her and took the curse for himself?”

“Yes, and it’s a very good thing that he did. His blood type people deserved to be treated that way,”
Peter smirking, making Stephen’s blood boil. He leaned back in his seat, feeling Lexi curl her arm around his.
“Why is he being so honest to everything?” she asked.

“Because that glass of water obviously has Veritaserum in it. He wouldn’t admit to everything so honestly and his dad wouldn’t be freaking out on the other side,” Stephen said, pointing to Peter’s father who was covering in face, in shame of what his son was saying in front of everyone. But either way, Stephen smirked a bit, hoping that Peter finally got what he deserved.

“I surely hope you begin to change some day, Mr. Davies. As you may or may not know, pureblood numbers have greatly decreased during the years. Seeing as your so called ‘private record’ has been kept quiet by your father, you two will gladly join each other in Azkaban. Matthew Davies will have a year in Azkaban for hiding information from the Ministry. Peter Davies will have two years in Azkaban for mistreating wizards, muggles and accomplice of your father,” The judge hit his gavel against his podium. “As for Stephen Fanelli, you, Mr. Davies, will be paying all his medical bills. Plus, you’ll be on probation and be monitored whenever you use magic until further notice,” he added, then dismissed everyone from the gloomy looking room.

“That went better than expected,” Stephen laughed, walking out arm in arm with Lexi and Kat.

“Congratulations, Mr. Fanelli. I will personally see that both Mr. Davies’ go along with their punishment. Hope you have a good day,” The woman from before, who Stephen found out her name was Betsey Ricks, spoke and stuck out her hand to him.

“Oh, thank you,” Stephen shook her hand and watched as she walked towards the elevators. The misfits made their way in the same directions once his parents finally walked out of the court room. The walk back onto the streets seemed shorter than the one getting into the ministry. Once back out into the cold winter air, The Fanellis and misfits apparated to the Ways’ place, where they had been invited for lunch.

“Are they allowed to put Veritaserum into people’s drinks in order to get the truth?” Lucy asked, as she served everyone water, tea or juice.

“They’re the ministry, Luce, I’m pretty sure they’re allowed to do anything they want,” Leonard said, finishing up his sandwich and gulping down his juice. “Besides, I heard that Peter kid had a lot of connections that made his file a clean slate,”

“Obviously,” Stephen piped in. “His dad was the department head of the law enforcement ad could’ve easily eased everything to make his son look innocent. Family’s not going to frame family, are they?”

“You’d be surprised at how many people do that to their families. But enough about the trial and whatnot, your mother and I have something to say,”
Giovanni spoke, smiling towards Adriana.

“You’re having a baby?!” Leonard exclaimed.

“A baby!?” Kat gasped, spitting out her juice. “Another little Stanley! I call dibs on being the godmother!” She added, raising her hand and pointing to herself.

“No, we’re not having a baby. We’re were going to say that since we’ve been so caught up and paranoid about what happened, we should take a vacation. Anywhere you guys would like to go,” Adriana said setting her dish in the sink and thanking Lucy for the food.

“Let’s go to China!”

“How about Brazil? I hear it always has nice weather,”

“Uh, no, let’s go to Canada!”
With Kat, Lexi and Leonard giving suggestions, no one really knew what place to choose.

“Why don’t we go somewhere warm like Australia?” the monster asked, not looking up from his food. Everyone stopped and looked at him and nodded.

“Australia it is,” Giovanni said. “You’re welcome to join us too, if you like,” he gestured to Luce and Tyler.

“Not sure, I have something to do in New York, as always and Luce returns to work soon,” Tyler said, fiddling around with his fingers. “But maybe we can work something out,”

“I’m pretty sure your little house elf would like to come dearly,”
Stephen smirked. Out of thin air, Rosy appeared in front of him, making Stephen jump and almost fall off his chair.

“Rosy would love to join the family on a vacation! She has never seen much but the insides of houses and shops,” she added, in a sad tone. Lexi petted Rosy, nudging her head towards Lucy and Tyler. “Oh please, may we go?” she pleaded, making her already big green eyes bigger.

“Tyler, start packing,” Lucy smiled, taking Nathan with her upstairs to pack. Ty nodded, but first cleared the table as the Fanellis and Kat apparated to their houses. Once home, Stephen probably didn’t even get a chance to collect himself, when Lexi was already dragging him to his room.

“This is going to be so exciting!” Lex exclaimed, enchanting her bag and stuffing her things in it. Stephen, on the other hand, was still wondering how much he would actually have to bring. “I’m guessing we’ll be there for about a week, since it’s probably the most everyone is able to take off,”

“Plus, I still want to find my parents, but I’ve kind of lost hope in the search,”
Stephen admitted, throwing himself on his bed, face down. “I can’t even remember what my dad’s parents told us months ago,”

“Your mom models for Tyler’s mom’s clothing line,”
Lex said, taking it upon herself to pack for Stephen.

“How do you remember that?” he asked, sitting up and watched as Lexi walked back and forth with his clothes.

“I just have a good memory,” she smiled, finishing up the packing and lay down on her bed. “Where is Rocky going to stay while we’re gone?”

“Most likely with my grandparents, that way my annoying cousin won’t-,” Stephen stopped when he heard something peck on his window. Getting up, he noticed an owl was trying to get in. Opening his window, he let the brown owl in and sit on his window sill. Taking the letter attached to its foot, the bird flew off and out of sight. “Looks like it’s for you,” he said, handing the letter to Lex.

“If you’re all packed, dad says to join us in the kitchen with your stuff. Apparently in Australia, there’s a hotel for wizards and witches only and they have the best view of the beach. Guess who’s staying there?” Leonard sang, grinning like an idiot and popping his head back into the doorway where it had originally came from. Lexi jumped from the bed, taking her letter and stuffing it into her bag. Then, taking the monster’s hand, she yet again dragged him to the kitchen to meet with everyone else.

“I told the Ways where to meet us, hopefully they won’t get lost,” Giovanni said, bringing down Rocky with him. Handing him over to Leonard, he apparated to his grandparents’ home.

“Are you sure he’ll be okay there?” Adriana asked, to which Giovanni nodded. Taking everyone’s hand, once Leonard came back, Adriana apparated and finally off to their small vacation they went. The inside of the magical hotel, if you’d like to call it that, had white walls, with golden lines going up and down. There were chairs of a mahogany colored wood, with beige cushions and coffee tables in front of them with magazines and newspapers. Of course they were set up as it were at a living room. Almost every minute, witches and wizards apparated into or out of the hotel. Adriana walked to the front desk with Giovanni, whereas Leonard, Lexi and Stephen went to sit in the waiting area.

“DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?! MY GRANDMA DESIGNED YOUR CLOTHES!” someone yelled. Turning her head, Lexi saw Kat yelling at a concierge and poking him in the chest.

“Never seizes to amaze me,” Stephen said, flipping through the newspaper he just picked up. Coming back from the desk, Adriana handed a key to Leonard.

“You’re staying with your brother. Tyler and Lucy are together, I’ll be with your father and Lexi and Kat will share a room. I don’t want any mayhem from you guys here. We all need a little break from it sometime,” she shook her head and apparated to her room.

“Are there no stairs or elevators here? Do we have to apparate everywhere in this building?” Kat asked, walking over to them with a sad face. “I don’t really like apparating; it makes me feel sick and weird,”

“That’s because you’re not used to it and how did you even pass the exam?”
Leonard asked, but Kat just shrugged and apparated to her room with Lexi. Feeling an arm around his neck, Stephen was a bit scared, until he was apparated into a room and found himself face to face with the floor. “Look, we have the best view!”

“Did you really have to apparate me like that?”
Stephen asked, getting up and looking out the window. The view was the blue, clear ocean and the beige-white sand. Muggles could be seen running around and throwing themselves into the water.

“Let’s hurry up if we still want to get into the water!” Leonard said, rushing into the bathroom and changing into his swim suit. Just when Stephen was going to get his clothes, Lexi walked in, with a bag in her hand.

“Thought you might need this,” she laughed, setting the bag down on his bed and walking back out. The monster quickly changed, falling over a few times but managed not to break anything in the process; a new record.

“Come on!” Leonard said, pulling Stephen out the room and apparating to the lobby. Still holding onto him, Leonard ran across the street, onto the beach and into the water. “Swim, Stephanie!”

“You air-headed jerk! I can’t swim if you throw me in like that!”
Stephen exclaimed, pushing Leonard to fall back into the water, while coughing and trying to get his breath back.

“Charming isn’t he?” Lexi asked, looking down at Stephen as he was looking towards the sky. Feeling sand being kicked onto his face, the monster rubbed his eyes, just to see Kat right in front of him.

“Guys, we can go visit Nemo!” she cheered.

“Nemo? The fish from that muggle movie ‘Finding Nemo’? How on earth are you going to find a fish?!” Stephen asked, still trying to make his eye sight well enough.

“I’ve got his address, duh! He lives at P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby, Way, Sydney, Australia! We are in Sydney so let’s go find him!” she added, showing the pair a paper and getting to her feet.

“We won’t be able to find Nemo because I ate him,” Stephen smirked, getting to his feet and wiping off some of the sand from his bum. When he looked back up, it seemed like Kat had murder in her eyes. Stephen broke into a run, feeling Kat running right behind him.

“HOW DARE YOU EAT NEMO! HE WAS GOING TO BE ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS!” she screamed, chasing the poor boy back up to the boardwalk.

“You would think she’d remember Stephanie was a vegetarian and doesn’t eat any kind of animal,” Leonard laughed, leaning his arm on Lexi’s shoulder.


“Do you think your parents knew it was monsoon season here?” Lexi asked, looking out the window into the dark sky and the rain falling as if it were being held back for ages.

“Doubt it, or else they probably wouldn’t have agreed to bring us here,” Stephen said, flipping through his healer book, with Kat’s legs on his. “Am I really that comfortable to you?” he asked her.

“Yes, you’re very squishy,” Kat laughed. Rolling his eyes, the monster went back to his book, but heard the blue-eyed girl rummaging through her bag.

“Let’s watch a movie since everything around here is still flooded,” she said, excited that the hotel had a dvd player. She popped in Stephen favorite Disney movie; Beauty and The Beast. “Stephen likes this movie because the main character is a French girl,” she smirked, sitting next to Stephen, with Kat’s head on her legs.

“Funny, but no,” was his response. The misfits watched the movie in silence, as if it were full of suspense. His parents occasionally came in to give them snacks and whatnot so they wouldn’t be too hungry for later. Towards the end, Stephen’s legs were feeling numb from Kat not wanting to move. So in order to make the blood rush through them again, he pushed Kat off of him and sat on his brother’s bed.

“Can we watch Finding Nemo? It’s going to be a tribute because Stephen ate him!” Kat said, taking out the first movie once it was done. Leonard then came in, sitting himself down next to Lexi on Stephen bed. After Kat managed to finally put the movie in, she sat next to Stephen and held a pillow in front of her. Hearing Lexi giggle, Kat and Stephen looked over to see her and Leonard being lovey dovey with each other. Finding it a bit weird, Kat gave Stephen a questioning look, to which he just shrugged and turned back to the movie.


“I wanna scream ‘I love you’ from the top of my lungs, but I’m afraid that someone else will hear. You can only blame your problems on the world for so long, before it all becomes the same old song,” Stephen sang to himself in the lobby, still reading his healer book and waiting for the other two misfits to join him to go eat something.

“How cute, Stephen’s in love,” Kat chimed, pinching his cheeks in the process.

“Right, I sure am,” he answered sarcastically. Kat shrugged, linking her arm with his and walking out into the street, until Lexi met up with them.

“Don’t go off like that and leave me behind. What if I got lost?” she said, linking her arms with Stephen’s free one and continued on their walk.

“Do you think Nemo could’ve swum up here in all the flooding?” Kat asked, looking at the ground as she walked so she wouldn’t step on “Nemo”. Stephen gave her a ‘Are you kidding me?’ look but stopped himself from commenting. Finally being able to find a café open after the rain, the misfits walked in and ordered some food. “Next time, let’s go somewhere that doesn’t have weird seasons like Australia,”

Stephen laughed as he paid for his food and found an empty table. “To be honest, this vacation wasn’t so bad. Sure we spent five days indoors and such, but we kept ourselves entertained somehow,”

“Plus, being in another country away from my dad, beats being home, near him and his wife,”
Kat added.

“Since we’re being all honest here, I have something to tell you,” Lexi spoke, making Kat’s and Stephen’s eyes land on her.

“You’re dating my brother?” Stephen asked, smirking as he drank some of his coffee. Lexi’s face turned red, almost the same color of the dress she was wearing.

“No,” she shook her head, “It’s something I’ve been keeping from you,” she added, taking out an envelope from her bag. The raven haired boy gave her a questioning look and took the envelope from Lexi as she held it out to him. “She told me not to show or tell you anything, but I felt guilty whenever I had to hide it from you. There’s a few more, but I don’t know if I should show you now or later,” Stephen just looked at his best friend, a bit upset that she had hid this from him. The letter he was holding was a letter Aimee had written to Lexi about him. “That’s the first one she sent me,”

“You’ve kept contact with her after all this time?”
Stephen asked, not looking up from the letter.

“Yeah. After she broke up with you in Diagon Alley, I ran into her there and she told me what happened. Aimee says she misses you and feels like it was a mistake to break up with you,”

“But she was the one who did it. Why would she regret it right after it happened? If she knew she was going to feel like that, she should’ve never done it,”

“I know, but why are you getting so worked up about it?”

“I’m not, I’m just upset my best friend would keep secrets from me that she knew would make me more upset if I found out about them way later after they started,”

“At least I told you! I didn’t hide it until your death bed. Now did I?”
Lexi asked. Kat, on the other hand, was eating her muffin fast, in the suspense that either one might walk out.

“Oh my god, the chismes are so great!” she exclaimed, earning confused looks from both Stephen and Lexi. “It means gossip in Spanish. But Stephen, do you still like Aimee?”

“A bit. We’ve only dated for a few months for me to have stronger feelings for her,”
he admitted. “How many are there?” he asked, holding up the first letter.

“Plenty, since like you said, it’s been months since you two parted ways,” Lexi said, showing Stephen the couple of the letters that were in her bag.

“So on another note away from this awkwardness, are we still going to look for your parents?” Kat asked, hoping this would drop the Aimee conversation.

“Yeah, and you are just the person we need to help us,” Stephen smirked, planning out the next adventure the misfits were going to have once they get back home.
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