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Old 09-23-2011, 03:29 AM   #114 (permalink)

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Scratched her? well that didn't sound like a very nice pet. "Well on the bright side, perhaps one day you'll be able to have a puppy of your very own." The only reason she got one was because her mother insisted on her settling down and having a child... so here he was. Her child. And she loved him like he was her very own... only smaller and fluffy and not human.

"Well your grandmother sounds like a very skilled herbologist."
Indeed she did, Seren herself hadn't thought to try cross-pollination until recently, and still she hadn't had time to look into it, just a bit of light reading at night. One day...

Oohh... yes, not so friendly Professors. She'd been hearing that quite a bit, though she didn't like to think poorly of her colleagues. "Yes it seems keeping your head down is the order of the day. Though I'm sure things will improve, our new Professors are still settling in as well." Not that it was much of an excuse.
"Me? Oh this will be my second year, I spent a few years travelling the world first."
Travelling? WOW! "Where abouts did you travel to? What was your favourite spot? What did you do?" Zhenya was fascinated with travel, ever since her brother had announced he was taking a few years off to look at the world's many secrets.

"Well, I'm not the one to make trouble. I'm very scared to lose points, my brother said his house got very angry at him for losing points. But... he was a trouble maker so that explains that..." she said, losing her train of thought.

"Well, if you would like any help with cross-pollination my grandmother found a potion which allows you to cross-pollinate anything you want without it, I guess you could say, rejecting. I haven't yet been able to successfully brew the potion, but I'm sure you will be able to," she said, hoping she was being helpful. She pulled out a small book and showed the professor the very detailed potion.

always on the move
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