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"That would be correct. During flight, is what is the important thing, not take off or landing," Thereos nodded, confirming the girl's thoughts.
Oh...well then, Kurumi was clearly in the wrong place to be performing Ornithomancy. Smiling nervously, Kurumi bent down and began picking up her rocks, placing them in her robes as she had done earlier before bending down to pick up her bowl as well. She had to waddle a bit because of the weigh from the rocks, but Kurumi eventually made it to an empty patch where, when she looked up, had no tree branches blocking her view. Now time to set up again.
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Now addressing the class as a whole again. "Well then, if there are no further questions, you may head back to the classroom and collect your things. The assignment will be posted on the notice board outside the classroom later today." Thereos paused. "But if you'd like to linger and try to get some readings under my supervison, you're welcome to do that as well." They were done already? Well, Kurumi wasn't entirely up to heading back to the classroom just yet, especially considering she had only just NOW found a decent spot for her to actually try for a reading. Hopefully none of her Gryffindors would head back to the castle, several of them SHOULD stay behind to try and make up respect points with Thereos at least.
Kurumi sat down on the ground Indian style with her elbows resting on her knees and peered into the water. There was not a ripple in sight, minus once or twice when the wind caused them, so she at least had the smooth surface bit down. Now all she could do was wait...and wait...and wait...and wait some more.
Kurumi sighed, after all, the centaur had mentioned that they probably wouldn't see anything in their bowls today and would have to come back another time. As long as she was waiting..."
Thereos, what if you saw another animal in the water, not a bird but perhaps...a bat or a sugar glider." Hey, anything was possible and sugar gliders were really CUTE! "
Is that an entirely different branch of Divination, or does it relate to Ornithomancy?" Bats were kind of all over the place in their flight patterns if Kurumi remembered correctly.
Then, Kurumi saw it in the water before she heard anything - owls were silent fliers like that - and she pushed herself up on to her knees as she watched an owl slowly glide through the air in the reflection in her bowl. Just as it was about to disappear on the other side, it veered to the right making a sort of V on it's side shape. Just before it disappeared from view in the top part of her bowl, she heard it hoot loudly, as if announcing that it was there.
So...she had an owl, a snowy one, who painted a v-shape flight pattern in the air but where one side was a little shorter than the other. Well, a lot shorter really. Had come from the right side towards the left, but exited the bowl's viewing field from the top and had hooted as it exited. Hadn't she skimmed her book and seen something about a bird's song also being related?
Hopefully Thereos had seen this taking place. If not, she would be more than willing to explain what she had seen. Kurumi reached into her pocket for her parchment on notes relating to flight patterns and scanned down until she found what he had said about V-shapes.
V formation is significant to the fact that teams are your friend. Your friends are important to help get you through those trying times and sometimes you have to work together..." she read. But, her's was on its side, and it was only ONE bird. Did it even matter that its path had been a V-shape? Kurumi looked up to him for some sort of confirmation, her mind clearly going into overload at the moment.