Originally Posted by
Syd (:
Oh. Just one. Dallin nodded once, looking back up to meet Ellie's eyes. Alex - the one that Ellie's mom had said reminded her of Dallin. Or rather, Dallin reminded her of Alex. At the time, Dallin hadn't paid much attention to that... mostly because Ellie had ran out of the house and it kind of slipped his mind. Then the other stuff during the summer happened and he was just getting around to thinking about it again.
He felt slightly relieved that she'd only had one boyfriend, though. Honestly he thought it would be more. For some reason he couldn't name. But one... one was okay. Beside the fact that he didn't know the guy. It didn't matter though, right?
...Still, Dallin had another question. And he couldn't help but ask it, since Ellie had been so calm about the first one... "How... um, how did it go?" Obviously they had broken up, but Dallin wondered about before that. "You don't have to answer," he said quietly, looking away again, "I'm just... curious." He was a little more than curious, but she didn't need to know that.
Ellie smiled faintly and looked towards the fire. She didn't
exactly know how to answer without making Dallin feel.. uncomfortable about it. Sighing a little bit, she set her plate of sweets on the floor and turned in the chair to face Dallin.
"It was great." And that was the honest truth.
"While it lasted." She had to add, though. Ellie looked down at her hands.
"We met at the beginning of fourth year and we hit it right off the bat, as friends. Really great friends. And we got together near the end of that school year. Honestly, it was a great a relationship." Ellie looked up at Dallin, to see his reaction because she honestly didn't know what he would be thinking. Or feeling.
But something suddenly popped into the back of her mind. It was something that she had thought of before, many,
many times before. She just didn't know when the right time to bring it up was. Maybe it was now? Ellie wanted to avoid it, but she knew she shouldn't. Twiddling her thumbs absently, she decided that she would talk about it that night. Just not... right at that moment.