Hey Heather, late again

I'm sorry. These two chapters were extraordinarily written. I'm glad you describe Ella and her new source of power in herself the way you did, because I wrote it somewhat the same way in my next ff, and I was a little leery as to how people would take it.
The power within her was strong and it felt like a drug pumping through her veins.
And it's not comparing this magic to drugs, but the effects it has over you. I don't condone the use of drugs, (I'm sure you don't either) and am saddened that they are used. And then when you wrote;
“Good.” Ella felt the pang of want in her side. She desperately wanted to do an actual spell. Trying to mask this pain would be the hard part.
shows that because she has this new power in her and has felt the power and effects, she is actually having physical pains like withdraw to deal with. I think it's tremendous that you are able to show her weakness in the way she wants to use the magic and carelessly gives into it, but then you show her amazing strength in the fact that after she recovers from it and realizes things, she knows she has to wait and be able to harness the power to good, before she dare uses it again.
My questions are; Does Hermione know something of her magic, or was she just afraid?
And the other question is; Why was Jinny brought in? Does she have some sort of closer than normal bond to Ella? Maybe that's corny sounding, but I was just curious.
Speaking of my being embarrassed, in the first of these last 2 chapters, the part where a woman comes and Ella has to go down into the secret room, the first name that came to my mind was Bertha Jorkins, but then I remembered she was the nibby-nosed woman in the 4th book. So Bella makes more sense, especially because it's your ff.
I love the interaction between Snape and Ella. I think it was clever taking them to America and having Snape get his first hot dog, fries, and milkshake. I love the way she taught him how she can discern witches and wizards differently than in Europe.
Well, like I said, tremendous writing. I'll be watching for your next.