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I am currently battling with myself over whether or not to go! I have the funds (it'll only cost about $450 for both my mom and I to attend) and it really isn't a terrible deal with all that you are getting - even in the cheaper package! - and I would love to see whomever my Q&A would get.
No, they did have Dan & Rupert there for the Grand Opening; however, it was shortly after they finished filming and most of them hadn't started their major projects yet. Dan wasn't performing H2$ 8 days a week at the time

But James & Oliver were at the Grand Opening, as well. And Tom has said on Twitter and in interviews that he would love to make it to the Celebration, so I'm wondering if they are trying to confirm with his schedule!
Yeah, I see what you mean. I was there for the opening and saw all who went. I'm hoping most of the people who were there for that will be there for here as well. Like I said, it's the last promotion for the movies they'll get to do and I hope a lot want to take part.